Whether you're a VSE or an SME, what training courses should you choose in 2023? The challenges are many, the context remains uncertain, and change is happening ever more rapidly. The pace of digitalisation and robotisation is accelerating, and the impact of the digital transformation Employee training is vital for SMEs. Marie-Ruth Guillaume, VSE/SME referent at ORSYS, provides an update.

VSEs and SMEs are an essential part of the French economy. They alone account for more than half of all employees. According to the latest INSEE figures, there will be more than 4 million of them in France in 2019. As essential components of the economic fabric, they need to adapt to changes linked to digital transformation and to new managerial and functional challenges. What about their training needs? In 2023, training in digital technologies will of course remain essential. Other trends to watch: management, certifications, day-to-day professional tools, etc.
1/ What are the most popular training courses for SMEs?
Training is the key to the vitality and sustainability of a VSE/SME.
This category includes training courses in support functions. These include the pillars of the company: administration, accounting, finance, management and organisation. Secondly, there is the indispensable training in digital technologies.
"Acquire solid management skills"
In many VSEs/SMEs, employees generally learn on the job. Managers are making increasing use of AFEST (action de formation en situation de travail - on-the-job training). When employees are promoted or developing their teams, they may need to acquire managerial skills. In this case, they turn to training courses such as Becoming a manager and Managing ex-colleagues following a promotion, which provide them with a solid foundation in management.
What's more, while the health crisis seems to be drawing to a close, the economic crisis has taken over. The new challenges are giving rise to new skills development needs, and therefore new training needs, for VSEs and SMEs. I've identified five of them.
"Five main areas of training"
The first is teleworking. Although many employees have returned to face-to-face working, many are still using a hybrid organisation. Some employees may need support to help them adopt new tools, new ways of organising themselves or new ways of managing. In this case, they can turn to training in particular Managing employees working from home or in a hybrid organisation.
The second is the remote management. In addition to basic managerial skills, employees then need to develop specific skills, such asleading remote meetings and mastery of videoconferencing tools such as Teams.
"Certifications are vital for ESNs"
The third is certification. These are essential for ESNs. Retaining customers and attracting new talent remains vital. Certifications such as ITIL® 4 Foundation with certification are among the most popular courses.
The fourth is time management. Identified in previous years among VSEs/SMEs, this need is still present, although on the wane. On this issue, we can say that companies are developing good habits that enable them to optimise their time. Managing your time to be more efficient is one of the most sought-after courses, and it's proving its worth!
"Restoring confidence"
The fifth and last is assertiveness and self-assertion. With the uncertainty caused by repeated crises, many employees have lost confidence in themselves and are questioning their professional priorities and life goals. Others, on the contrary, are returning to their first love, their projects having come to nothing. The phenomenon of the "big resignation", present in France as well as abroad, has turned the economic world as we knew it upside down. It is helping to exacerbate the labour shortages seen in many SMEs in recent years. Offering employees training in assertiveness, communication and interpersonal skills is one of the most effective ways of tackling this problem. self-confidence and some stress management could therefore limit the impact.
- Discover our selection of training courses for SMEs
2/ Face-to-face or distance learning: should SMEs opt for one format rather than the other?
Today, 52 % of training courses are delivered remotely, compared with 48 % face-to-face. SMEs are increasingly opting for distance learning, which saves them time, ensures health and safety and provides financial support.
In fact, as far as funding is concerned, distance learning classes, like face-to-face courses, can be paid for by their OPCO. This gives SMEs access to a wide range of training courses without affecting their cash flow. It's a real opportunity worth seizing!
In practical terms, companies should contact their OPCO to make their funding applications. They can also get in touch with their ORSYS training contact, who will help them to do so.
To meet the needs of SMEs, we are constantly expanding our range of distance learning virtual classes, blended learning and e-learning.
3/ How does ORSYS training meet the needs of SMEs?
First of all, employees and managers of VSEs and SMEs need to optimise the time they spend in the company. The duration of ORSYS training courses is therefore particularly suited to this need. On average, training courses last two to three days (excluding advanced IT training). One-day courses are also very popular. They provide rapid access to information essential to the business and therefore save time. For example:
Employees are therefore quickly back in the company to put into practice what they have learnt in training.
"Training reveals aptitude and the field reveals competence".
Patrice Aimé Agossou - Associate lecturer in management science
What's more, employee training makes a major contribution to the development of the company on both a professional and human level. More than ever, VSEs and SMEs need to build and rebuild their businesses and face the future with greater strength and determination. Employees are looking to save time in their day-to-day work. That's why they appreciate finding out how to get things done faster. In other words, practical methods and tools.
Still on a human level, training allows you to take a step back and break away from a certain isolation, especially in small structures. Training is a stimulating and inspiring break. thanks to its openness to other professions and sectors of activity. It therefore encourages innovation.
Finally, saving time also means follow the right training. At ORSYS, SMEs are in contact with specialised advisors. More specifically, they have a dedicated contact person who answers their questions, helps them find the training courses that correspond exactly to their needs and helps them obtain the best funding.