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SMEs: training as an alternative to recruitment difficulties?

Published on February 26, 2024
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Whether you are a VSE or an SME, which training courses should you choose in 2024? Digital transformation continues to impact management and professions while new uses of artificial intelligence in business emerge. At the same time, many managers encounter recruitment difficulties. To face new challenges in a context that remains uncertain, employee training is essential for SMEs. The analysis of Marie-Ruth Guillaume, VSE/SME referent at ORSYS.

SMEs: training as an alternative to recruitment difficulties?

“In 2021, France has 159,000 small and medium-sized businesses. These SMEs employ 4.3 million employees and generate nearly 23 % of the added value of all companies. » These are the latest data communicated by the Ministry of Economy.

Indispensable elements of the economic fabric, SMEs constantly adapt to changes linked to digital transformation and recruitment difficulties. Indeed, the online presence of French VSEs/SMEs is progressing, as are their security practices. As a result, the company's image to attract new talents and, of course, new customers, takes on its full dimension. This is what emerges from the latest Afnic study (French association for cooperative internet naming).

What about their training needs? In 2024, training in digital technologies remains essential. Other trends to follow: management, certifications, CSR, climate fresco…

The training courses most requested by SMEs

The dynamism and sustainability of a VSE/SME undoubtedly requires training.

Job training related to support functions, i.e. administration, accounting, finance, management and organization, has lost ground. Thus, alongside essential training in digital technologies, training in the environment and well-being in business is more relevant than ever. SMEs indeed establish themselves as a social cocoon, where employees feel good and find meaning in their work. And so, they don't feel the need to go see if the grass is greener elsewhere!

“Acquire the basics of management »

In many VSEs/SMEs, employees generally train on the job. During a promotion or the development of a team, employees may need to acquire managerial skills. For this, they turn to training that provides them with a solid foundation in management :

Furthermore, the economic crisis seems to be stabilizing. The unemployment rate stands at 7.4 1TP3Q at the end of 2023 (Source: Insee). New challenges are giving rise to new skills development needs to retain employees, and therefore new training needs among VSEs/SMEs.

" Five main areas of training »

The first is the telework. The hybrid organization is now part of working habits.

Teleworking has even become an attractive argument for hiring and retaining employees. Some employees may still need support to learn new tools, new ways of organizing or managing. In this case, they can turn to training Managing your employees working remotely or in a hybrid organization with DiGiTT® certification to boot.

“The two most important things don't appear on the company's balance sheet : its reputation and its men. »

Henry Ford

The second touches on thecompany image. A good reputation, or e-reputation, attracts and inspires trust. The employer brand builds loyalty and CSR communication enhances the value of a company's employees and, consequently, the company itself.  

“Certifications are vital for ESNs »

The third is the certifications. They are essential for ESNs and, increasingly, for all SMEs. Retaining customers and attracting or retaining new talent remains vital. Among the most requested certifications:

The fourth is the project management. Projects are always richer and more complex. Indeed, the parameters to take into account are diverse: people, the company, the financial, environmental and societal aspects. About this question, the most requested training courses are those that have proven themselves :

“Security and sustainability »

The fifth and final axis is the security. With the uncertainty due to repeated crises, some SMEs are weakened. Cybersecurity and therefore the fight against cybercrime are essential parameters for the survival of an SME. Cybersecurity is everyone’s business. Thus, each employee should be entrusted with a security mission within their scope of action.

Face-to-face or remote training: what format for SMEs?

The “remote classroom” format, sometimes called “virtual classroom” (CV), continues to gain ground. Today, 55 % training courses take place remotely, compared to 45 % face-to-face. SMEs are increasingly opting for remote classes which save them time, money and comfort for employees.

Remote classes can be, like face-to-face classes, supported by OPCOs. This allows SMEs to access numerous training courses regardless of their cash flow. Why deprive yourself of it?

Concretely, how to do it?

Concretely, companies must contact their OPCO to formulate their financing requests. They can also contact their training contact at ORSYS who will help them in this regard.

To meet the expectations of VSEs/SMEs, our range of distance classes is constantly developing.

How do ORSYS training help SMEs retain their talents?

First of all, employees and managers of VSEs or SMEs always need to optimize their time spent in the company. The duration of ORSYS training is therefore particularly suited to this expectation. On average, training lasts two to three days (apart from advanced IT training).

Employees are therefore quickly back in the cocoon of the company to put into practice what they learned in training.

“Recognizing and being recognized at work means injecting humanity into the work. »

Lucie Legault – Psychologist, health and safety advisor

What's more, employee training contributes greatly to the stability and development of the company both on a professional level and on a human level. VSEs/SMEs are being built, rebuilt and facing the future with the strength and determination of their employees and managers. More than ever, VSEs/SMEs therefore need to become cocooning companies. Benevolent management, communication and teleworking contribute to this because they increase the motivation of teams on a daily basis.

When training contributes to recognition

Employees also appreciate being known and recognized for their work. Here again, training is one of the keys to this recognition.

The world hates change. However, it was the first thing that allowed him to progress »

Charles F. Kettering – inventor

Still on a human level, training allows you to take a step back and break away from routine. The training is then a stimulating and inspiring interlude thanks to an openness to others. It therefore promotes innovation and progress.

Finally, optimizing your time is also choose the right training to progress. At ORSYS, SMEs are in contact with specialized advisors. More precisely, it is a dedicated contact who answers their questions, helps them find the training courses that exactly match their needs and obtain the best financing.

Our expert


VSE-SME representative

She began her career at ORSYS as a business engineer. She has managed a VSE/SME portfolio for over 15 years [...]

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