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Operational preparation for employment: training and recruiting future talents

Published on September 14, 2023
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Are you having recruitment difficulties? So, operational preparation for employment (POE) undoubtedly constitutes a solution for quickly recruiting employees, who will be specially trained to occupy a position in your company.

Operational preparation for employment makes it possible to train and recruit.

Recruiting is taking a risk. Despite all the care taken in selecting the candidate, the company is never safe from failed recruitment. Nowadays, one in five new recruits leaves their position less than three months after joining. And it can be expensive. As proof: a failed recruitment is the equivalent of a year's high salary. On average, €50,000 lost. But leave one Vacancy failing to find the right candidate, it is also a big shortfall. Unrealized turnover, deteriorating quality, loss of motivation of a team overloaded with work...

Operational preparation for employment (POE) then constitutes an optimal solution for quickly recruit the right profiles. It is a system particularly suitable for companies and sectors which are currently encountering great difficulties in recruitment. The training offered to new recruits can also provide real benefits in terms of loyalty. Another advantage: no charges for the company.

Operational preparation for employment, what are we talking about?

Operational preparation for employment is a recruitment support system. This system is managed by Pôle emploi in collaboration with companies, skills operators (OPCO) and training organizations. The initial observation? Many companies are struggling to recruit for professions in shortage. Many positions therefore remain vacant due to a lack of candidates with the skills required for the positions concerned. At the same time, Pôle emploi has a pool of job seekers who may be missing one or two key skills.

A response to recruitment difficulties

This year, more than one in two employers expect to encounter recruitment difficulties. This is what Pôle emploi indicates in its latest survey on labor needs. This particularly concerns certain sectors… road transport, construction, industry, hotels and restaurants or even health. Others suffer from talent shortages in highly skilled positions. This is the case of the cybersecurity, For example. In 30 % cases, the recruitment difficulty is linked to the technicality of the position. In other words, the candidates do not have the required skills.

“Of the 945,000 jobs available in digital professions in 2022, nearly 10 % of them (around 85,000) were not filled. Among them, certain professions are reaching unprecedented levels of tension: in the field of cybersecurity, only 25 % job offers were filled in 2021.”

Source : Montaigne Institute

Faced with the shortage of qualified labor, one solution consists of training candidates before their arrival in the company. This ensures that new recruits have the necessary skills as soon as they take up their position.

Two types of operational preparation for employment

When it is the company which identifies a recruitment need, we speak of operational preparation for individual employment (POEI). To simplify: it concerns a candidate and a specific position.

There is also a operational preparation for collective employment (POEC). In this case, it is the professional branches and the OPCOs which identify the recruitment needs of their member companies. The POEC will then concern a group of candidates for similar positions within a company or sector. In principle, the targeted professions are those where the need for recruitment is greatest.

Who are the candidates?

The candidates are people looking for work who lacks some of the skills required for the position to be filled. Often undergoing professional retraining, perhaps looking for new professional challenges, they are highly motivated, ready to train quickly to succeed in their new position.

Operational preparation for employment therefore responds to a difficulty that recruiters point out more and more often: the lack of motivation of candidates.

Another advantage: it can also allow diversify the profile of new recruits.

Training at the heart of operational preparation for employment

The POE allows funding of up to 400 hours of training. It is therefore a intensive training of a few weeks. This represents approximately 50 days, or 10 weeks or two and a half months.

Ultimately, training with the POE does not require more time than recruiting an employee from another company. In fact, this “poached” employee will have to serve his notice period. In this case, it is necessary to allow approximately three months before taking up the position.

Other features:

  • Training can take place in person or remotely.
  • It may include a company immersion period.

For the POEI, training can be carried out by the company internally or by an external training organization. When he submits his file to Pôle emploi, the employer proposes a training organization, with a quote to support it.

For the POEC, it is the OPCO which identifies the recruitment needs of member companies, defines the content of the training and selects a training organization, in conjunction with Pôle emploi.

Funding for training

For the POEI, it is Pôle emploi which covers the cost of the training.

  • In-house training within the company: assistance is provided €5 net per hour of training.
  • External training organization: the aid amounts to €8 net per hour of training.

The aid is paid at the end of the training – and at the earliest on the day of employment – either to the employer in the case of internal training, or to the external training organization.

For POEC, financing is provided via the OPCO to which the company belongs.

But certain conditions still need to be respected.

The work contract

In return for this training, the employer must establish an employment contract of a minimum duration. That's to say at least 12 months for a fixed-term contract, including a professionalization or apprenticeship contract. Of course, the company can also recruit on a permanent basis.  

Other conditions for the company

  • Be up to date with unemployment insurance contributions
  • No redundancy in the last 12 months

Operational preparation for employment: who should you contact?

Individual operational preparation for employment

To recruit with the POEI, the one and only contact person is Job center. The employer can create and manage their requests online by connecting to their business space on the site pole-emploi.fr.

First, Pôle emploi helps the company choose a candidate. This selection is made on the occasion of a tripartite interview which brings together the company, Pôle emploi and the candidate. The objective of this interview? Evaluate the candidate's motivation and identify the skills they will need to acquire through training.

It is then necessary to develop a Training courses. Among other things, this means:

1/ Define educational objectives and skills to develop

2/ Designate a training organization

Then, the company signs an agreement with Pôle emploi, the candidate and the training organization. This agreement specifies the objectives, duration, expected date of employment and the type of employment contract covered.

Finally, the company appoints a reference tutor.

Operational preparation for collective employment

To recruit via POEC, the company must contact its OPCO.

To summarize, operational preparation for employment makes it possible to train the future employee before hiring. The company can thus very precisely target the skills to be acquired through training. The new employee is operational as soon as he arrives in the company. Free of charge, fast and tailor-made, POE is therefore a win-win system.

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