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New AI profession: AI director or Chief AI Officer

Published on July 24, 2024
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A new rising figure in companies, the director of AI or Chief AI Officer (CAIO) is orchestrating the artificial intelligence revolution. Responsible for defining strategy and overseeing the integration of AI technologies, he transforms internal processes and radically improves the customer experience. Discover the world of this leader of change, his amazing skills and the attractive remuneration that accompanies him!

Illustration article Chief Ai Officer

At a time when many companies are seeking to understand how to integrate AI into their business, new AI professions are emerging. This is the case of Chief AI Officer (CAIO), also called Head of AI or director of AI in good French.

Appearing in large groups and in start-ups in the United States, the Chief AI Officer was legitimized by a directive from the White House obliging federal agencies to designate people responsible for artificial intelligence.

In France, it is still in start-ups and large groups that IT managers are propelled to the head of AI strategy, because all of the company's professions can be affected by this technology.

What are the missions of the Chief AI Officer?

The Chief AI Officer (CAIO) occupies a strategic position at the heart of the company's digital transformation. He is the guarantor of the vision and the overall strategy in terms of AI.

Its main mission is to develop and implement the company AI strategy, ensuring its alignment with business objectives. The CAIO continually explores opportunities for the application of AI across departments. He identifies the areas where this technology can bring the most value, supervises all AI projects, from their initial design to their deployment and production. It thus ensures overall consistency of AI initiatives within the organization.

As a technological leader, the CAIO carries out a constant monitoring of advances in the field of AI, allowing the company to remain at the forefront of innovation. He manages human and material resources related to AI, building and leading teams of experts while ensuring optimal budget allocation. A crucial aspect of its role is to guarantee the ethics and compliance of the AI solutions developed, ensuring that the use of AI complies with ethical standards and regulations in force (GDPR, AI Act, etc.).

The CAIO works closely with other business leaders to integrate AI into the overall strategy, fostering an apptransverse rock.

Finally, he is responsible for measuring and communicating the impact of AI initiatives, demonstrating the added value of these technologies to internal and external stakeholders. Through its action, the CAIO plays a pivotal role in the digital transformation of the company, positioning AI as a strategic lever for growth and innovation.

What studies to follow?

The Chief AI Officer generally comes from higher education (minimum baccalaureate +5) in computer science, data science or artificial intelligence. He may also have studied business or an MBA with a strong technological component.

What skills do you need?


  • Expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Cloud Computing Expertise and big data (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, MLOps, Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes…)
  • Experience and expertise of agile methods project management, particularly Scrum and SAFe
  • Practice of collaborative project management tools and production (Asana, Jira, Slack, Trello, GitHub, etc.)
  • Cybersecurity knowledge
  • Knowledge of national and international regulations (GDPR, AI Act…)


  • Leadership and strategic vision : ability to define and communicate a clear vision for AI in the company. Ability to inspire and motivate teams from several departments of the company.
  • Communication and popularization : public speaking skills, ability to explain complex technical concepts to non-specialists
  • Listening and negotiation skills: ability to gain stakeholder buy-in for AI initiatives. Skills in negotiating budgets and resources
  • Analytical ability, spirit of synthesis
  • Attentive to market trends
  • Change management : ability to manage resistance to change and promote AI adoption. Organizational change management skills.
  • Excellent command of English oral and written

What is the salary of a Chief AI Officer?

Like most management positions, the Director of AI or Chief AI Officer benefits from high remuneration, a testament to his experience and responsibilities. As is often the case, the size of the company, its sector of activity and its location influence the final remuneration.

However, here are the salary ranges:

  • 60-80 k€ gross per year (medium-sized company)
  • 80-120 k€ gross per year (large company)
  • +€120k gross per year (multinational, high-tech sector)

These figures may be supplemented by performance-based bonuses, stock options or other benefits.

What are its development prospects?

Thanks to his technical profile, the Chief AI Officer can progress within the company as Director of Information Systems (DSI) or Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in English. His managerial skills will allow him to qualify for other positions within general management.

Ultimately, the role of Chief AI Officer proves crucial for companies that want to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence. With varied missions, ranging from strategic vision to governance and acculturation, the CAIO must possess a unique combination of technical skills, communication, leadership and strategic vision.

As AI continues to transform businesses and industries, CAIO will become increasingly essential to guiding this transformation in an ethical and responsible manner.

  • High salary and cutting-edge profession
  • Various tasks linked to several teams
  • Prestige and influence
  • Need of train regularly in AI technologies and regulatory frameworks
  • Many meetings coordination
  • Requires excellent time management to juggle multiple projects
  • Pressure and responsibility in AI governance and regulatory compliance

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