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ORSYS Editorial Board

Made up of journalists specialising in IT, management and personal development, the ORSYS Le mag editorial team deciphers for you the latest trends in training and skills development.

His articles

5 tips for practising active listening

Cybersecurity: dealing with the quantum threat

Use and impact of AI in business - Results of the AI Quiz

Developing your creativity

Organising teamwork

The eco-designer, a green profession serving business performance

Docker and Kubernetes: make your IT infrastructure agile

How to prioritise tasks

Offboarding to manage departures effectively

5 best practices for effective onboarding

Writing for the web

4 best practices for social selling with LinkedIn

Head of growth, aka growth hacker, the lightning growth strategist

Non-Violent Communication in 4 steps

How to (re)organise your working environment using 5S

5 ways to reduce office waste

New job in AI: Chief AI Officer

How to build your personal branding

Making an impact with Canva (2/2)

Which AI should you choose for your work? Take the test!

5 ways to encourage an eco-responsible approach in business

How to succeed at job interviews?

Solution to the cybersecurity game - word search - ORSYS Le mag n°5

Create impactful designs with Canva (1/2)

Managing stress at work (2/2)

OSINT, cyber intelligence techniques at the service of your business

Managing stress at work (1/2)

How do you set up a responsible purchasing approach?

Managing conflict within your team (2/2)

Good practices for creating a logo

Building an effective sales pitch

Valuing your staff: 5 best practices

How to raise your company's profile on the Internet

Take the test! Which HR are you?

Managing conflict within your team (1/2)

NIS 2: how do you prepare to apply the new cyber security directive?

Ecological transition: what impact on skills and training?

Project management: which agile methods will make your projects a success? XP, Kanban, Lean, SaFe, Scrum...

Data protection: DPOs face the challenges of AI

Good backup practice: the 3-2-1-1-0 rule

Why learn Python?

Impact of digital technology on vocational training - OpinionWay 2023 survey

Take the test! What kind of manager are you?

The educational engineer: a catalyst for innovative learning

AI: code generators, a revolution for developers

Solution to ORSYS Le mag's word search n°3

How to develop your sales activity using social networks (DiGiTT® Certification)

Inter-company training: are you aware of its many advantages?

Become an Oracle pro: 10 new courses to prepare for official certifications!

Robot vs cobot: what are the differences?

From Excel to Power BI, how do you make the most of a data table?

Machine learning, deep learning, AI: what are the differences?

How to become a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)

Which web development technology should you choose for your site?

Energy manager: a profession serving company performance

ORSYS Le mag crossword solution n°1

Which IT certification is most beneficial for your business?

Operational job preparation: training and recruiting future talent

Cybersecurity automation: what expectations, what limits?

3 tips for successful ISTQB certification

Web scraping: how to automatically retrieve data from the web

Choosing the right collaborative working tools

Identify your employees' training needs effectively

Cybersecurity: understanding the cyberscore

Procurement, a key supply chain job

Web3, miracle or mirage?

SQL Server 2022: new features geared towards Azure

Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM): more than just a job, it's a mission!

Edge computing, faster and cheaper than the cloud

Which cloud platform should you choose: AWS, Azure or Google Cloud?

Data confidentiality: how to adapt your marketing strategy?

VPN: why companies need to learn how to master it

Influencer marketing: how can you run successful campaigns?

Office automation: why certify your skills? The example of Tosa and ICDL

Neuromarketing: how can you use neuroscience to sell better?

Power BI, the reasons for success

The keys to digital transformation

Metavers, what uses in business?

How does blockchain work? What are its uses in business?

De top 5 van de programmeertalen 2022

Develop and certify your cloud skills with ORSYS

Zijn legitimiteit versterken door het woord te nemen

Cyber attacks: how to prepare? How should you react?

Product owner, an essential job in IT projects

Companies enter the era of hyperautomation

Develop and certify your IT skills with ORSYS

Civil service: training courses to optimise teleworking

Low-code/no-code platforms: the end of developers?

The new services of open banking (2/2)

The new services of open banking (1/2)

Optimizing your code, a financial and environmental issue

Industry 4.0: choosing the right Internet of Things network

FinOps engineer: the cloud cost-killer

Open banking: APIs make their revolution!

The 5 key data professions in 2022

Windows 11 and Office 2021, should you go for it?

Cybersecurity: the Senate's 10 ways of protecting businesses

CPF: new co-financing schemes available for training your employees

What is the urgent need for management control in the COVID-19 era?

CPF and DIF: communicating with employees is a win-win strategy

Continuous improvement: rely on onboarding

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