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Take the test! What kind of manager are you?

Published on February 26, 2024
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There is no “ideal” profile but knowing yourself well and know your management style is one of the keys to success. And it’s particularly crucial in certain situations! For example: joining a new team, managing former work colleagues following a promotion... So, which manager are you? Find out in a fun way by taking the test!

Which manager are you?

Check the option that is closest to your management.

1 / 16

I give precise objectives and describe the results to be achieved.

2 / 16

I define the missions and responsibilities.

3 / 16

I explain the decisions but I maintain control over them.

4 / 16

I leave the necessary autonomy to my colleagues.

5 / 16

I propose team projects.

6 / 16

I try to mobilize my colleagues.

7 / 16

I give regular instructions and directives.

8 / 16

I encourage feedback and discussions.

9 / 16

I only intervene when necessary or at the request of my colleagues.

10 / 16

I tend to make decisions alone.

11 / 16

I involve my colleagues in decisions.

12 / 16

I generally trust my colleagues.

13 / 16

I encourage them to become independent.

14 / 16

I encourage the commitment of my colleagues to projects.

15 / 16

I listen to their opinions and suggestions.

16 / 16

I clearly define the processes.

Did you know ?

As a manager, you can register in 4 major trends management :

Can you count on your leadership ? Or do you need to develop your assertiveness ? Is your management style effective in manage conflicts well ?

Knowing yourself better is a first step to perfecting your managerial practices and developing the potential of your team!

To find out more

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Management and leadership

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Becoming a manager

Local manager

Manage your team in project mode