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VSEs/SMEs: what training courses should you choose in 2022?

Published on February 23, 2022
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The pace of digitalisation and robotisation is accelerating, as is the health crisis and the exceptional funding available for training... Like all businesses, VSEs and SMEs are living in an uncertain environment in which change is happening faster and faster. They have to adapt to digital transformation and its impact on management and jobs. Training their employees is essential if they are to meet this challenge. Marie-Ruth Guillaume, VSE/SME referent at ORSYS, takes a closer look.

For SMEs, training is essential if they are to adapt to digital transformation.

VSEs and SMEs account for the majority of businesses. According to the latest INSEE figures, there will be more than 4 million of them in France in 2019. As an essential part of the economic fabric, they have to adapt to changes linked to digital transformation and new ways of organising work. Their training needs are also changing. In 2022, training in digital technologies will of course remain essential. However, other needs have emerged as a result of the health situation: remote management, teleworking, etc.

1/ What are the most popular training courses for VSEs/SMEs?

For very small businesses, certain types of training are vital. In this category, we find, on the one hand, business training linked to support functions. This covers everything that keeps the business running, i.e. administration, accounting, finance, management and organisation. And secondly, training in digital technologies, which is still essential.

In many VSEs/SMEs, employees generally learn on the job and change jobs within the same company. For example, when they are promoted or a team expands, they may need to develop their managerial skills. In this case, they turn to training Becoming a manager which provides them with a solid foundation in management.

What's more, the health crisis has given rise to new skills development needs, and therefore new training needs, among VSEs and SMEs. I've identified five of them.  

"Teleworking and remote management: new concerns for VSEs and SMEs".

The first is teleworking. Some employees may need support to help them adopt new tools, new ways of organising themselves or new ways of managing. In this case, they can turn to training, for example. Managing employees working from home or in a hybrid organisation.

The second is the remote management. In addition to basic managerial skills, employees then need to develop specific skills, such asleading remote meetings and mastery of videoconferencing tools such as Teams.  

"Certifications are vital for ESNs.

The third is certification. These are essential for NSEs. On the one hand, with regard to their client companies, because it highlights the skills of their employees. And secondly, to their own workforce, to attract new talents.

The fourth is time management. Already identified among VSEs/SMEs in the past, this need has become even more pronounced in 2021. On this issue, we can say that they are reaching maturity and are more easily taking the training plunge. Managing your time to be more efficient is one of the most popular courses.

The fifth and last is assertiveness and self-assertion. With the health crisis, many employees have lost confidence in themselves and are questioning their professional priorities and life goals. This is leading them to change sector of activity, region... It's the phenomenon of the "big resignation", present in France as well as abroad. It is helping to exacerbate the labour shortage seen in recent years in certain sectors of activity or for certain types of position. Offering employees training in assertiveness, interpersonal skills and interpersonal communication is a good way to address this problem. self-confidence and some stress management could limit its impact, including on very small businesses.

2/ Face-to-face or distance learning: should VSEs/SMEs opt for one format rather than the other?

Today, 60 % of training courses are delivered remotely, compared with 40 % face-to-face. VSEs and SMEs are increasingly opting for distance learning, which saves them time, ensures health and safety and provides financial support.

Indeed, in terms of funding, distance learning classes, like face-to-face classes, can be covered by their OPCO. What's more, given the context, the FNE-Formation scheme has been extended until 2023. This will give VSEs and SMEs access to a wide range of training courses without affecting their cash flow. It's a real opportunity!

In practical terms, companies should contact their OPCO to make their funding applications. They can also get in touch with their ORSYS training contact, who will help them to do so.

To meet the needs of SMEs, we are constantly expanding our range of distance learning virtual classes, blended learning and e-learning.

3/ How does ORSYS training meet the needs of VSEs/SMEs?

Firstly, the duration of ORSYS training courses enables employees to optimise their time at the company. On average, training courses last two to three days (excluding advanced IT training). This means that employees are quickly back in the company to put into practice what they have learned in training.

"You don't build a business, you build people, and then people build the business."

Zig Ziglar, American writer and lecturer.

What's more, employee training makes a major contribution to the development of the company on both a professional and human level. More than ever, VSEs and SMEs need to build and rebuild their businesses. Employees are looking to save time in their day-to-day work. They are particularly keen to learn how to move faster. In other words, practical methods and tools.

Still on a human level, the training enables them to take a step back from their activity and break with a certain isolation, especially in small structures. Training is a stimulating and inspiring break. thanks to its openness to other professions and sectors of activity. It therefore encourages innovation.

Finally, saving time also means follow the right training. At ORSYS, VSEs/SMEs are in contact with specialist advisors: they help them to find the training courses that correspond exactly to their needs.

Our expert


VSE-SME representative

She began her career at ORSYS as a business engineer. She manages a VSE/SME portfolio [...]

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