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Optimising customer voice analysis with AI

Published on May 2, 2024
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Preconfigured content and messages, more efficient segmentation of targets, finer knowledge of needs, new working methods... Since the release of ChatGPT in 2022, customer relations have been transformed. Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible to improve and personalize the customer experience. For example: by analyzing the voice of the customer in a targeted and broad manner. So, what is voice of the customer analysis with AI? What are the benefits for the company? Which tool to use? Explanations from José Zullo, consultant trainer in interpersonal communication and relational intelligence.

Using AI to analyse customer voice
  • Is this a revolt?
  • No, it's a revolution Sire.

This was the response of the king's advisor to the question asked by Louis XVI.

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize many sectors. And companies, French in particular, are not mistaken: 30 % of them declare that they devote a budget of more than 1 million euros per year to technologies equipped with AI. Furthermore, 70 % of these companies are preparing to invest more in AI on this subject in the coming years.

Read also: How to create value through artificial intelligence

AI, customer relations, what is it exactly?

An innovative technology, AI makes it possible to process large quantities of data, understand natural language, interact with users and make decisions, sometimes complex, adapted to the context. For example: adapting a product or service, reviewing a customer journey, if not in real time, then at least within shorter deadlines than those we usually see. AI is used in many areas, including customer relations, where it offers considerable benefits.

Read also: AI to boost sales performance

AI and customer relations

AI indeed allows improve and personalize the customer experience, by offering services accessible 24/7, advice adapted to the needs and preferences of each client, as well as rapid and effective solutions to the problems encountered.

Using AI, businesses can optimize their internal processes by detecting opportunities and risks, and helping employees make the best decisions, with optimized quality of service and relationships. It is thus possible:

  • to automate certain processes ;
  • to analyze the documents ;

Analyze the voice of the customer to chart the course

As part of a customer-centric strategy, it is essential to be attentive of the latter and to act accordingly. It is therefore necessary to anticipate or resolve the obstacles and pitfalls which will inevitably obstruct the customer journey.

A growing number of companies are interested in the voice of the customer to understand their expectations and take them into account in the evolution of their offers.

Listen to the customer's voice (and not just hear it)

Listening is not just hearing, it is understanding better. Better understanding to serve better. Better serve to satisfy. Satisfy to build loyalty.

Focusing on the voice of the customer should be at the heart of all customer experience programs.

Unlike traditional methods of collecting information, it can now be processed automatically and in real time using feedback collection software. These semantic analysis tools make it possible to analyze customer writings and verbatims on the spot and restore them in dashboards generated daily, thus promoting better customer knowledge.

The results help to obtain valuable information regarding a company's reputation, strengths, weaknesses, competitive opportunities or market position.

Voice of the customer analysis therefore allows companies to quickly adapt their strategy to changing consumer expectations, by defining the actions to be implemented in order to improve the customer experience.

Speech analytics: at the heart of the voice of the customer (VoC) analysis reactor

What's better than speech analytics to analyze the voice of the customer? This analysis tool is a word tracker. It collects a lot of semantic data collected during interactions between customers and companies: telephone exchanges, emails, satisfaction surveys, reviews on social networks, etc.

Speech Analytics, AI tool
Speech Analytics to measure the volumes of dissatisfied/very dissatisfied customers based on the number of incoming calls per month.

Speech analytics cultivates lexical fields to generate better customer knowledge. This AI therefore makes it possible to offer the customer a more pleasant experience and solutions that meet their needs. To do this, simply configure the lexical categories that you wish to capture: reasons for dissatisfaction, repetition, potential attrition, etc. For example, are the irritants due to the commercial promise, the performance of the product or the return on investment ? Or, what developments would be necessary to increase the customer loyalty rate?

Speech Analytics, AI tool to analyze language
Example of Speech Analytics to analyze customer churn language.

But customer relations are not just a matter of words, it is also a matter of the heart. And emotions are never far away. This is why speech analytics is increasingly accompanied by emotion analytics.

This tool measures the customer's emotional experience and makes it easier to identify fragile customers, in other words those who still remain loyal while expressing strong verbal or written dissatisfaction. Those are the churners of tomorrow. By combining reasons for calls and strong anger, companies identify the levers on which to act as a priority. Indeed, new analysis tools are able to detect “very angry” customers based on the tone, volume and rate of the customer's voice. And when we compare these to recurring reasons for dissatisfaction, then the first levers on which to act become obvious.

The “augmented” agent

This technology can go even further when combined with quality management. It involves analyzing the voice of the advisor in addition to that of the client. It thus makes it possible to automate quality and compliance checks of interactions.

For example, do employees:

  • respected the framework of the speech?
  • valued and proposed to the customer the post-call satisfaction survey?
  • ensured that the customer's initial request was met?

And this list is obviously not exhaustive.

Speech analytics is not only a tool for improving customer knowledge, but it is also a way of better hearing what they say in order to better understand them in order to better serve them.

What Confucius sums up perfectly in a visionary aphorism: “without common language, business cannot be concluded”.

AI represents a true revolution. Some even speak of a tsunami because AI is now sweeping over everyday objects. AI promises to be everywhere: cars, washing machines, headphones, smartphones, cameras, speakers, mobility devices, medical devices, televisions, etc. Associated with voice of the customer analysis tools, these new predictive or object-connected technologies (IoT) seem design even more advanced customer experiences and open up even wider fields of possibilities.

Our expert


Interpersonal communication, customer experience

He is a consultant trainer in interpersonal communication and relational intelligence. Trained in professional coaching […]

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