When a conflict situation is identified, the first step is to establish a dialogue. Whether or not communication has broken down, there are several ways of getting the various protagonists to communicate. It is possible to act as much on the substance of the problem as on a solution to be found together.

7 ways out a conflict :
[ Read also ]
1 - Arbitration
The aim is to find a solution that puts the relationship aspect to one side. A neutral and impartial person makes a decision to settle the dispute.
2 - Conciliation
We need to take into account both :
- a possible solution
- of the relationship by going beyond the win/lose relationship
The manager looks for a compromise that best suits everyone's interests.
3 - Mediation
Mediation does not necessarily lead to a solution to a conflict. However, it does help to restore communication between the parties. And even better: it makes them more creative by encouraging them to find a solution themselves. The result? A new dynamic of cooperation.
4 - Negotiation
In the right environment at the right time, you need to :
- let everyone express their needs and feelings
- list and evaluate solutions
- decide on a solution that suits everyone
- analyse the results
5 - Metacommunication
It allows you to avoid innuendo and objections by answering simple questions:
- What is going on ?
- What do you mean ?
- I'm curious about what you're saying...
Metacommunication is used to comment on an exchange.
6 - The DESC method
Describe (the problem)
Express (feelings)
Suggest (solutions)
Conclude (analyse the consequences)
7 - Managing objections
"Yes, but...", "no"...
Try to rephrase each objection by asking the objector what would suit him better.
The best advice: remain neutral and objective at all costs.