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Innovation in training: why? How ?

Published on February 13, 2024
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What is the place of innovation in training? How do educational engineers integrate it into educational strategies and training courses? Answers from Clarisse Gilbert, educational engineer responsible for innovation at ORSYS.

Innovation in training: why? How ?

How did your background lead you to innovation in training?

My master's degree in human resources and law did not predestine me to the profession of educational engineer or to innovation in training. But we can say that chance did things well. I started my career internationally. My mission: to train managers in Italy and in Italian! More precisely, as solution designer, my role was first of all to create original courses for managers and various professions. Then animate them. It was a very innovative firm. So, I was immediately immersed in “unconventional” approaches to training.

For you, what is innovation in training?

Above all, innovation in training means doing things differently, provided that it makes sense. In my opinion, you have to keep it simple and surprise.

Keeping it simple means avoiding being scattered. For example: do not use too many gadgets, do not multiply visual tools without an overall strategy. To avoid these pitfalls, the educational engineer must function like an orchestra conductor and find the right balance or the right mesh at pivotal moments in training.

Surprising requires, first of all, constant monitoring of new technologies and new ways of learning.

Finally, the most important thing is to stay focused on effectiveness for learners :

  • Improve their engagement during training
  • Facilitate transposition into their daily professional life
  • Maintain their achievements over the long term

The role of the educational engineer in terms of innovation is also to help trainers develop new approaches to engage learners ever more and better in their training.

What place does AI have in training innovation?

In the field of training, artificial intelligence (AI) is currently at the frontier of educational innovation.

Generative AI first plays a major role in content automation. In particular, on the side of trainers, for what concerns design of educational content (texts and images). Indeed, the editorial content produced by AI provides an initial basis of good quality. With ChatGPT, for example. Of course, the trainers will rework these first versions but this nevertheless allows us to save a lot of time.

The other interest of AI is then at the level of evaluations that the trainer carries out during the training. Here again, generative AI can make it possible to create quizzes more easily or direct participants to useful resources.

Moreover, trainers have a great interest in these questions. This is why ORSYS launched an internal educational workshop on AI for its trainers. And it was a great success: all the places were taken in February.

Artificial intelligence accelerates the transfer of skills.

AI solutions will certainly continue to multiply. Their integration into LMS (learning management system) software with, for example, interactive quizzes and conversational bots is part of training innovation.

There remains a big question around content generated by AI. What about intellectual property? Currently, a good practice is to source this content. While waiting for case law to clear up the legal uncertainty...

Is innovation the future of educational engineering?

Today, the trend is towards bi-modal: face-to-face + digital learning or hybrid animation. Face-to-face time is reducing, especially for managers. They are looking for “flash” training that they can complement with other training modules. This can be done in a virtual classroom or with e-learning. For example: face-to-face role-playing games remain essential, but we will have to start “playing” them think differently ". Hence a necessary need for innovation.

Another imperative: adapt to the expectations of new generations with short modules. The future therefore lies in applying this know-how to different educational media. It also means being able to evolve to design training programs that go beyond the box.

What role does the educational engineer play with trainers in terms of innovation?

Educational engineers work hand in hand with trainers but, when it comes to innovation, we don't coach them! The idea is rather tobroaden the field of possibilities in terms of educational approaches. We support them in the evolution of their teaching practices.

This involves exchanges during the construction of a new training program or during validation but also through educational workshops based on the needs identified by the trainers. The one on AI that I already mentioned. Or, on other tools: Klaxoon, Mural… For example, this last tool makes it possible to coordinate the work in small groups and then present it in “plenary”.

And, of course, the trainers are also proactive in terms of innovation!

Concretely, what are the main areas of innovation in training at ORSYS?

It starts with capturing the field: first listening to clients and trainers to understand the learners' feelings. This is what allows us to develop different axes.

The first axis is that of immersive modules. For example : virtual reality and educational escape game. The added value is a very strong anchor over a very short time. This allows the participant to become aware of their behavior and also their room for improvement.

The second axis is the team building. We develop tailor-made proposals, whether theater, sport…

The third axis is theequicoaching which is increasingly demanded of us today. Managers will immerse themselves in horse media to better develop their leadership skills or to learn how to stimulate their team in terms ofcollective intelligence.

The fourth axis is the offer of ORSYS conferences, for example as an introductory guide to business seminars. Athletes, artists, great cooks... come to testify to their recipes for success. Recipes which are then exportable to the business world.

What innovative training experiences have had the greatest impact on you?

First there was this team building in a castle, organized for 40 people. It was fun courses in a very good atmosphere.

Another “wow” experience that comes to mind is when we called on theater actors to raise awareness among town hall staff about teleworking. A superb meeting between two worlds that are not used to rubbing shoulders! And finally, a memorable escape game: the simulation of a dashboard of a space rocket. It was very immersive!

Also find the first episode of “C Folded in 4” on the theme of educational innovation:

Our expert

Clarisse GILBERT

Educational innovation

Graduated with a master's degree in law and a master's degree in human resources management from ESSEC, she [...]

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