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How to succeed in your job interviews?

Published on July 15, 2024
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[On the recruiter's side]

Recruiter for a day or professional recruiter, you lead or participate in job interviews. In a context of talent shortage, don't let a good candidate slip away because of a failed interview!

Illustration of the practical sheet: job interviews

So, make way for good practices!

1. Draw on your own candidate experience

- Think back to your own job interviews: what made you decide to take the job?

– Also remember the interviews that convinced you that the position and the company were not for you.

2. A legal framework to respect

– No prohibited discrimination (origin, age, disability, etc.).

– Stick to the professional sphere: this is an opportunity to collect as many objective elements as possible on the candidate's skills.

3. Frame the processes upstream

On the recruiter side, a successful job interview also involves preparation and follow-up.

– Define your processes: number of interviews, content, people participating, deadlines, budgets, recruitment tests, etc.

– Be transparent: in your advertisements, be clear about the recruitment stages, the prerequisites of the position, the salary and the benefits.

– Keep candidates informed of their progress in the process.

Candidates will appreciate it.

4. Beware of cognitive biases…

… these falsely logical shortcuts of thought which mislead when making decisions, including in matters of recruitment. And more particularly during job interviews.

5. Reassure and convince

You have made your choice: in the majority of cases, the contract is concluded. But, sometimes, the candidate may try to renegotiate the package, or even refuse your offer.

This is why it is all the more important to take care of your recruitment process: this allows you to reassure and convince by giving a good image of your company.

HR practical sheet - Recruiters: how to succeed in your job interviews?

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