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The educational engineer: the catalyst for innovative learning

Published on February 13, 2024
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Design of training programs, development of teaching methods or even integration of innovative tools... The educational engineer plays a key role in ensuring the effectiveness and relevance of training. In other words, to offer quality training programs, adapted to the needs of the market and learners. In a context of ever more rapid regulatory and technological developments, it occupies a central position so that the educational strategy rhymes with innovation. What are the missions, the skills required, the salary, the advantages and disadvantages of this essential profession for the future of training? All the answers in this job sheet.

Designing training programmes, developing teaching methods or integrating innovative tools... The educational engineer plays a key role in ensuring the effectiveness and relevance of training courses.

Technological advances, regulatory developments, labor market needs, increased competition... Training organizations need to innovate and promote the training systems created. For this, they can count on educational engineers, true catalysts for change. Indeed, without being the main actor in training, the educational engineer plays a essential role of facilitator and accelerator of learning. Its multidimensional expertise promotes the adoption of new educational approaches. The objective? Adapt to new needs and practices of learners, such as distance learning and modularization.

“The educational engineer stimulates and facilitates learning by driving positive changes throughout the training process. »

This profession, little known to the general public, is gradually gaining importance beyond the education and training sector, that is to say within companies themselves. In fact, the digital transformation makes professions evolve more and more quickly. This requires regular updating of the knowledge and skills of a large number of employees.

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the profession. With the closure of educational establishments and training centers, it was often necessary to adapt tools and teaching to the distance format. The profession is sometimes summarized as e-learning or the virtual classroom. In reality, the scope of action of the educational engineer is much broader.

Teaching expert, it initiates and supports the transformation of practices in teaching or training, with or without digital technology. Overview.

What are the main missions of the educational engineer?

1/ Educational design

He designs training programs or educational paths to respond to:

  • the skills development or knowledge acquisition needs of learners;
  • to the training objectives of companies.

To do this, he collaborates with trainers or teachers, creators of multimedia content, publishers of software or digital educational solutions, etc.

Instructional design is carried out on all types of media. It is therefore welcome to master educational platforms (LMS) and online learning content creation tools.

“A vocation: creating adapted learning experiences. »

This main instructional design mission often goes hand in hand with:

  • monitoring to identify business needs in terms of continuing education and, more broadly, the needs of learners;
  • the design of training catalogs, educational products, tests or even activity, skills or job benchmarks;
  • monitoring the administrative and financial compliance of training actions;
  • updating educational, regulatory, professional and technical information.

2/ The development of adapted educational means

Part of the work of the educational engineer may consist of producing supports to enable teachers and trainers to develop, modernize and diversify their teaching and teaching practices.

It is then necessary to work hand in hand with teachers or trainers. This therefore requiresestablish a relationship of trust even before any intervention on the course or training program. Make proposals, discuss, provide feedback with great tact.

“At ORSYS, educational engineers act on a daily basis to provide quality training, which adapts to changes in professions and which integrates the latest educational developments. »

The educational engineer can also manage, coordinate and lead educational teams and trainers.

3/ Project management

An educational engineer can work under the responsibility of a project manager. But, in most cases he is the project manager. He must develop specifications and define the product according to the customer's expectations. He must also carry out monitoring and ensure the smooth running of the project. Thus, it guarantees compliance with deadlines and quality.

What training and experience to access the profession of educational engineer?

To become an educational engineer, it is better to have a level diploma bac +3 to bac +5. Some bac +3 level courses: pro training or education engineering license, web or multimedia bachelor. To strengthen his profile, it is recommended that he progress to bac +5 level. For example: master's degree in training engineering, in technology for education and training, in educational sciences or in digital humanities.

Please note: a background as a trainer is appreciated by recruiters.

The profession is also accessible to people with experience in education and wishing to retrain. Experience to be complemented by professional training, particularly on educational engineering techniques.

What skills are required for the educational engineer?

The educational engineer is versatile. He is indeed capable of creating content of different types: animations, sound montages, videos, etc. His curiosity and adaptability also allow him to continually update his skills. Endowed with great teaching qualities (listening, patience, etc.), he is also creative, even inventive, to produce original content. Strong project management skills provide rigor.

TECHNICAL SKILLS (hard skills)

  • Knowledge of certification systems (RNCP, specific directory, titles, CQP, etc.) and quality approaches (Qualiopi, Datadock, ISO 9001, etc.)
  • Knowledge of educational concepts: Bloom's taxonomy, the 4 learning preferences, experiential learning, collaborative learning (theory of social participation)...
  • Master or at least have a great interest in EdTech solutions: LMS (learning management system), educational applications, adaptive learning, etc.
  • Ecodesign notions
  • Mastery of creative tools: Canva, Genially, Camtasia, Kumullus...
  • Mastery ofcommunication and collaboration tools : Trello, Miro…
  • Notions of graphics or at least graphic sense 
  • Mastery of project management techniques


  • Very good listening and analytical skills
  • Relational ease, diplomacy, pedagogy, patience
  • Team spirit
  • Curiosity, thirst for learning
  • Creativity
  • Reactivity

What is the salary for an educational engineer?

The salary of a beginner ranges from €1,600 to €2,300 net monthly. For more experienced profiles, remuneration can be around €45,000 to €50,000 gross per year. On average, an educational engineer wins €2,700 gross monthly. Remuneration varies depending on the structure employing it and the region.

What kind of working environment?

The instructional engineer can work in a wide variety of organizations.

First, we think of higher education establishments and training organizations, for which this is the core business. But educational engineers can also work within companies, from start-ups to the largest international groups. In this case, the sectors of activity are very varied. And large companies sometimes have their own school or training center. Working within an agency, a consulting firm or a design office is another option. But, in recent years, more and more companies (especially in the tertiary sector) are internalizing this type of position.

The educational engineer can also work as an independent contractor for large companies, training organizations, public sector, etc.

What are the prospects for development of the educational engineer?

In the private sector, the educational engineer can progress to a position of training quality manager. He can also turn to the human resources function through a position of training manager or skills development manager. Another avenue for development: becoming a trainer.

In the public sector, however, the possibilities for advancement are more restricted.

What are the attractions and constraints of this job?

  • A meaningful profession because it is at the heart of the educational process
  • A mix between digital and pedagogy: no routine
  • The possibility of continuous learning: knowledge and skills always up to date
  • A profession still little known to the general public, and therefore little valued
  • Technical and regulatory complexity
  • Budgetary pressures and profitability constraints

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Master good educational engineering practices

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