Do you have the feeling that creativity is a quality you don't possess? Think again, we are all creative. As with memory, creativity can be developed through simple exercises and/or simply by changing your habits.

Here are a few tips to help you:
- Develop a climate of trust and benevolence
- Free yourself from judgement
- Be curious
- Get out of your comfort zone: reading, music, travel, art...
- Relax, write, draw... freely.
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3 methods for developing your creativity
✅ Brainstorming
Give yourself a few minutes to give free rein to all your ideas on a subject.
✅ Defective analysis
Take as critical a view as possible and play devil's advocate.
✅ The SCAMPER method
Using the list of verbs (substitute, combine, adapt, modify, produce, eliminate, reorganise) and the corresponding checklist of questions, you can develop or complete the product under consideration.