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CPF: new co-financing schemes available for training your employees

Published on 1 October 2021
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The main players in professional life, such as companies, regions or even skills operators (OPCO) can co-finance the Personal Training Account (CPF). The automated co-financing system is experiencing a gradual increase in the private sector. He is managed by the Caisse des Dépôts. Emmanuelle ROBERT, OPCO and CPF project manager at ORSYS, presents the latest developments to you.

CPF personal account financing training

Your employees can benefit from additional financing to finance a training project with their CPF. Co-financing which primarily benefits CPF account holders. But which are also of interest to businesses.

Co-financing allows employees to obtain additional budgets to complete their training project instead of giving up on it. And generally speaking, improving the skills of employees is a plus for the company.

For you, Emmanuelle Robert takes stock of:

  • the automated co-financing system;
  • funding from the regions and OPCOs ;
  • as well as the new government contribution under the "France relance" plan. This amounts to up to €1,000 for digital training courses.

1 – Automated co-financing of the CPF, what is it?

Several financiers have automated their CPF contribution policy on the basis of predefined criteria and credits delegated to the Caisse des Dépôts. This is the co-construction contributions service, which is also called the automated contributions service.

More precisely, these co-construction contributions allow financiers to:

1. Choose criteria that will be automatically applied to complete the rights of targeted users

2. Or to direct training towards professions in shortage

They can thus define one or more matching rules conditioning the granting of additional financing among three categories of criteria. Criteria linked to the beneficiary, training and the balance available on the user's CPF.

This automated co-financing system is being implemented gradually. Several regions and OPCO have already entered into the process.

Find out more about how the CPF works

2 – Which regions co-finance the CPF?

Four regions have signed a contribution agreement with the Caisse des Dépôts.

For example, we know that the Occitanie region is mobilizing a budget of 1 million euros to co-finance the CPF. This concerns:

  • the aeronautics, space, industrial mechanics and navigation aid equipment sectors;
  • employees of the region, and more generally anyone living in the region;
  • any training eligible for the CPF, registered in the RNCP or in the Specific Directory.

Co-financing from the Occitanie region can be applied for several training projects for the same person. The person wishing to train must have at least €500 in their CPF. The region then supports 50 % training courses, within the limit of €4,000. This co-financing can also be combined with that of the company or that of the France Relance system. It has been in place since April 2021.

In the Pays de la Loire region, the total envelope amounts to 33 million euros for employees and jobseekers. It should enable some 6,000 employees to supplement their CPF entitlements with an automatic top-up from the region, and to purchase their training individually. The scheme covers 88 of the professional sectors most affected by the health crisis. These include the hotel and catering, tourism, air transport and services, sport, culture and events sectors, etc. The scheme will double the training entitlements of the employees concerned.

Finally, the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region and the Hauts-de-France region have also signed a contribution agreement with Caisse des Dépôts.  

3 – And in terms of branches and OPCOs, where are we?

It's'OPCO Atlas which got the ball rolling to meet the needs of the technical design office sector. An agreement signed with Caisse des Dépôts aims to promote access to five professional qualification certificates and seven skills certificates. The principle is to finance the remainder payable in the event of an insufficient balance on the CPF of employees who have a training project. An envelope of €250,000 finances this action for the second half of 2021. It may be revised upwards depending on the first results.

L'OPCO Ocapiat also joined the dance last June. The agreement signed with Caisse des Dépôts includes two types of contributions:

  1. one is intended for employees of companies with fewer than 50 employees in the agricultural, food and fishing sectors. This represents 5.2 million euros for 2021. Eligible training courses are certifying training courses registered in the RNCP or the Specific Directory. For employees of VSE/SMEs, co-financing of the CPF allows them to take full responsibility for the training project;
  2. the other concerns only employees of companies which contribute to the conventional inter-branch food sector fund, with an envelope of 1 million euros in 2021. Eligible training courses are those from the list of eligible certifications. The co-financing of the training project is partial here (only for companies with 50 employees or more).

4 – How does the new State contribution work?

Holders of a CPF who wish to follow a training for digital professions can thus obtain additional funding from the State. This, whatever their status: employee, job seeker, self-employed worker, etc. This may involve, for example, training as a web developer, creation and administration of a website, IT support technician …

Consult our training courses in digital technologies eligible for the CPF

This contribution is automatically offered to eligible people when they search for training on the My Account Training portal, either online or via the mobile application. It is triggered if the account balance is insufficient to pay for the training. It can cover up to 100 % of the remainder to be paid within the limit of €1,000 per training file. And if this is not enough to finance the training, a contribution from another financier or the holder himself is always possible.  

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