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How to prioritise tasks

Published on 18 September 2024
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Managing tasks is a daily challenge. How can you prioritise them effectively? Follow these four methods to prioritise your tasks and become more efficient.

Illustration of the "prioritise your tasks" practical sheet

4 ways to improve efficiency :

1 - The Eisenhower matrix

Categorise tasks according to their degree of urgency and importance.

  • Important and urgent: to be prioritised
  • Important but not urgent: to be planned
  • Urgent but not important: delegate or manage quickly
  • Neither important nor urgent: to be postponed

2 - The added value method

Rate (from 1 to 5, for example) each task according to two key factors: the potential impact on your objectives and the effort required to achieve them.

Typical efficiency logic: the tasks to prioritise are those that offer the best returns per unit of effort.

3 - The Pomodoro technique

Break up your day into "pomodoros": 25-minute intervals + a short 5-minute break.

After 4 consecutive pomodoros: pause for 15 to 30 minutes.

An interval work cycle enables you to maintain maximum concentration over short but repetitive periods.

4 - The MoSCoW method

Classify your task in one of the following categories:

Won't have : delegated or eliminated

Must have : priority

Should have : secondary

Could have : after the first two

Practical guide to prioritising tasks

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Personal efficiency, time management

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Managing your time to be more efficient