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Good practices for creating a logo

Published on 20 June 2024
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Creating a logo is a fundamental communication task for any company. Legibility, simplicity, consistency... follow these best practices.

Corporate identity

Your logo needs to be well thought-out and representative of your company's values, but also memorable and timeless.

Recognisable and legible

Your logo should be unique, unlike any other, and focus on on the balance between graphics, colours and typography. It must be identifiable in all contexts.

Simple and durable

A sober design is the key to a striking logo. Make sure it is understandable in all languages to make it even more legible.

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A logo absolutely must be able to adapt to all possible backgrounds, shapes and uses for a complete communication and marketing strategy. Colour or black and white, size... it must be both legible and aesthetically pleasing.

In line with the sector's graphic codes

As a symbol above all else, make sure your logo is consistent with your company's sector of activity.

Legal protection for your creation

Check on the INPI (Institut national de la propriété industrielle) website that neither the logo nor the name of your company already exist. Once this stage has been validated, register them so that only you can use them.

Practical guide - Good practice when creating a logo

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