Why and how can we adopt an eco-responsible approach at the office? By adopting sustainable habits, everyone can help to protect the environment while improving their working environment. One way of doing this is by reducing office waste. Every gesture counts and can have a significant impact.

Here are 5 simple things you can do to reduce your office waste
1/ Use a mug or flask rather than a disposable cup
2/ Replace Post-its with erasable slates
3/ Switch off lights and appliances when not in use
4/ Reduce your printing: print on both sides, in black and white, in draft mode, etc.
5/ Limit the number of e-mails you send, clean up your inbox and empty the recycle bin
By making these simple gestures part of your professional routine, you are taking an eco-responsible approach. It's a personal approach, of course, but one that can resonate with the rest of the world. CSR approach (corporate social responsibility) of your company.
So, are you ready to make a positive difference every day?