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5 ways to promote an eco-responsible approach in business

Published on July 17, 2024
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Climate change, environmental preservation, sustainable resource management... Ecological concerns are taking up more and more space in business life. Many of them adopt a CSR approach or seek to perpetuate their actions in this area. But embarking on the path to sustainable development is not that simple. You want to implement an eco-responsible approach within the company: here are some ways to get started!

Illustration of the practical sheet: integrating sustainable development into the company

1. Better manage energy resources

  • take stock of energy expenditure
  • propose alternatives when they exist
  • reduce waste: paper, electricity, water, computer equipment, cups, etc.

2. Implement a responsible purchasing policy

  • sign the RFAR “responsible supplier relations and purchasing” charter and obtain the label
  • change the consumption model: to reduce the environmental impact of purchases, promote the local economy, think in terms of “overall cost”
  • use products from PEFC certified forests, renewable resources, etc.
  • do not give in to the planned obsolescence market

3. Rethink the organization of the company

  • promote eco-responsible working methods: teleworking, etc.
  • invest in infrastructure and equipment: hybrid company vehicles, bicycle garages, etc.
  • renovate buildings
  • encourage the use of public transport, carpooling, etc.
  • favor rental or subscription for equipment

4. Develop eco-responsible projects

  • choose partners based on an eco-responsible approach
  • set up an urban vegetable garden, a plant project, a shared garden…
  • get involved in solidarity initiatives

5. Company social policy

  • raise awareness and train employees
  • engage in an inclusion process: disability, reintegration, etc.
  • communicate about sustainable development
CSR practical sheet - 5 ideas for an eco-responsible approach in business

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