Non-Violent Communication is a caring method of communication. Its aim? To facilitate relationships between human beings. Thanks to NVC, you'll become more caring and cooperative, and you'll learn to adopt a more appropriate way of communicating. Here's how to practise NVC in 4 steps.

A method developed by the American psychologist Marshall B. Rosenberg.
4 stages:
1 - Observe without judging
Paying attention to the environment without judging, focusing only on the facts to get an objective idea of the situation.
2 - Being aware of the emotions that drive us
Be aware of yourself, what emotions are driving the exchange and why. But also for the other person: to be aware of their state, their history, their feelings...
3 - Linking our emotions to our needs
Link your feelings to your needs, because they are the key to what you express. The judgements we make about others are misappropriated expressions of our own unfulfilled needs. Needs are satisfied when emotions are pleasant and to be satisfied when they are unpleasant.
4 - Formulate concrete requests
Express yourself and ask for things clearly, while having reasonable expectations. The important thing is to formulate concrete, precise and achievable requests in a positive way.