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4 best practices for social selling with LinkedIn

Published on 28 August 2024
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Integrating LinkedIn into your business development strategy is a priority. Here are the 4 best practices to adopt if you want to sell well.

Illustration of the practical social selling sheet with LinkedIn

4 best practices in social selling :

  1. Clearly define your professional positioning
  2. Building an attractive profile
  3. Developing new connections
  4. Interacting with your network

1. Clearly define your professional positioning

Make your objectives and value proposition explicit, specific and differentiating.

2. Build an attractive profile

The key elements: professional photo, engaging background banner, optimised title, catchy biography, all sections filled in (contact details, experience, training, etc.).

3. Developing new connections

To expand your network, take the time to connect with new profiles. Join communities and peer groups to increase your visibility.

4. Interacting with your network

Publish regularly and consistently to assert your position as a benchmark in your field. Maintain links and engagement with your audiences.

Practical info - 4 best practices for social selling with LinkedIn

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