Home > AI Glossary > PoC (Proof of Concept)

PoC (Proof of Concept)

A Proof of Concept (PoC), Or proof of concept is a demonstration or prototype designed to prove the feasibility of an idea, product or technology before it is fully developed. It is a key stage in various fields such as IT, engineering, innovation and project management.

A Proof of Concept is a preliminary stage in validating an innovation before it is developed on a large scale.

As part of an artificial intelligence project, a PoC is a key stage in demonstrating the feasibility of an AI model or AI-based solution before investing heavily in its development and deployment.

🎯 PoC objectives


  1. Check feasibility Ensuring that a technical solution or approach works in a controlled environment.
  2. Assessing risks identifying any technical difficulties or limitations to the project.
  3. Convincing stakeholders To provide tangible proof to investors, decision-makers or customers that the project is worthwhile.
  4. Optimising resources avoid committing too many resources (time, money, effort) to an unviable project.


As part of an AI project

  • Validate technical feasibility
    • Test whether the available data can be used to train a high-performance AI model.
    • Assess whether a neural network algorithm or architecture meets the needs of the project.
  • Assessing data quality and availability
    • Check that the data is sufficient, clean and relevant to drive an effective model.
    • Identify any gaps requiring additional collection or pre-treatment.
  • Testing the model's initial performance
    • Measure key metrics (precision, recall, F1-score, AUC-ROC, etc.) to see whether the model achieves an acceptable level of performance.
    • Compare different approaches (machine learning, deep learning...).
  • Demonstrating added value
    • Prove to stakeholders that AI can solve the project's specific problem.
    • Help in the decision to move on to a more advanced development phase (prototype or MVP).
  • Identifying technical and business challenges
    • Identify the limitations of the AI solution in the real environment.
    • Anticipate constraints in terms of costs, infrastructure and integration with existing systems.

Differences between PoC, prototype and MVP :

  • PoC Proof that the idea or technology works (without necessarily producing a usable product).
  • Prototype Functional model for testing functions and concepts before final development.
  • MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Minimum version of a product with essential functions, used to test the market.

📆 Steps in an AI PoC

1. Definition of the use case

  • Identify the problem to be solved.
  • Determine expectations in terms of performance and impact.

2. Data collection and preparation

  • Check data availability.
  • Cleaning, annotating and engineering features where necessary.

3. Selection of algorithms and models

  • Choosing the right techniques (neural networks, decision trees, pre-trained models, etc.).
  • Use appropriate frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, etc.).

4. Training and evaluation of the model

  • Experiment with different architectures and hyperparameters.
  • Test the model on validation data and measure its performance.

5. Demonstration and validation

  • Present the results to stakeholders with analyses and visualisations.
  • Identify whether the project can evolve into a prototype or whether it requires adjustments.