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Web marketing 2021: trends and tools

Published on July 20, 2021
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Web marketing revolves around two fundamental skills: mastering appropriate tools and knowing how to spot trends. Both are constantly being renewed and this is all the more true as the principle of evolution is inherent to technology. But then, what are the web marketing trends and what tools can you use to appropriate them? Sem Djeguede, web marketing expert and ORSYS trainer, tells us about it.

Web marketing tools

“A successful marketing campaign doesn't look like marketing. » This quote from Tom Fishburne, founder and CEO of Marketoonist, takes on its full meaning in our current world where consumers have very easy access to a wide variety of information. A successful marketing campaign is a non-intrusive campaign in which the consumer is on board from the start and systematically adheres to it. It’s a constant exchange between the brand and the customer.

Web marketing strategy: five essential tools

Google Analytics

It is the very first tool that a web marketer must acquire and for a very simple reason: properly targeting prospects and making a successful digital campaign require studying and understanding prospects. Google Analytics allows you to do this, on the sole condition that your website has at least a few months of life.

Among its most interesting features:

  • know the terminals through which visitors access your website (mobile, PC, tablet);
  • appropriate demographic information such as the origin of traffic (country, city), age categories, etc.;
  • know the days and times of high attendance;
  • know the access sources (direct traffic, organic search, social networks, Google advertising, etc.);
  • study visitor behavior (time spent per page, most viewed pages, bounce rate, etc.);
  • obtain an estimate of overall traffic over a given period (number of unique visitors, total visitors, active users, etc.);
  • see traffic in real time.

Google Analytics will not only allow you to conduct a careful analysis before launching a digital campaign on one or more of your products but also to concentrate financial efforts on future technical improvements. For example, if 80 % of traffic comes from mobile and the final conversion rate from prospect to customer is 20 % and is done only on PC, this suggests that there is a functional or technical aspect which is blocking the conversion on mobile. Your web marketing efforts can focus on improving mobile in order to increase the conversion rate.


Digital marketing rhymes with digital communication and therefore with e-mailing. Mailchimp, one of the most popular e-mailing tools, easily integrates with any content management solution (CMS): WordPress, Magento, Shopify… The e-mailing process with Mailchimp is done in three steps main ones:

  • collection of email addresses : by adding the addresses manually or by importing them from a .csv or .txt file. There is also the possibility of integrating an automatic collection module on your site or mobile application to collect addresses;
  • creation of the campaign : thanks to the system of drag and drop, the email campaign creation system is very intuitive. In just a few clicks, you can create a complete template by adding multimedia, text or call-to-action buttons;
  • sending the campaign.

Once the campaign is sent, Mailchimp offers you a complete analytics suite. For each campaign, you can know the opening rate, the click-through rate, see the emails of people who clicked in order to contact them individually, etc.

You can also know when the open rate is highest to better focus your efforts in future campaigns.

Furthermore, if you have less than 2,000 contacts, you can benefit from the free plan for up to 10,000 monthly sends. Beyond that, you have plans that range from 8.30 euros to 248.34 euros per month.

S.E.M. Rush

It is the web marketer's tool par excellence. It allows you to carry out a complete SEO diagnosis of your site, find keywords relevant to your activity and permanently monitor your positions in the search engines (SERP).

The tool offers other types of features such as competitive intelligence on SEO positioning, content marketing, market research and advertising modules. S.E.M. Rush also allows you to fully manage your various social networks.

For example, it is common for a company to want to improve its Google positioning in order to generate organic traffic. With SEM Rush, she could know her positioning in Google for each keyword, identify all incoming back links, obtain a suggestion of keywords on which to position herself, etc.

Social networks

Facebook and Instagram are two essential social networks if you want to establish your online presence by interacting more with customers. Indeed, between them, they have nearly 4 billion active monthly users (2.8 billion for Facebook and 1.2 billion for Instagram). They are therefore important strategic levers for web marketers.

Although the two networks belong to the same group, they have particular marketing specificities.

Facebook, thanks to its PIXEL marketing tool, allows you to connect your website to your page on the social network. This tool tracks all inbound connections to your site for ad targeting purposes. For example, the alpha visitor visited your site and, if you have set up a retargeting (retargeting), they will see an advertisement from your company appear on their Facebook news feed. THE retargeting is a very popular digital marketing technique.

Instagram, on the other hand, is very visually focused and popular with businesses offering physical products or services. It allows any professional account to set up a virtual store in the form of product catalogs with continuity of purchase on the company's website. It is an ideal tool for web marketers whose target is aged 18 to 34.


It is an inbound marketing tool. It will help you increase web traffic, improve conversion rate and run campaigns on a larger scale. The marketing module of Hubspot offers you the possibility of generating and qualifying leads, conducting marketing automation campaigns as well as analytical tools.

With the business version, you can carry out A/B testing both in your e-mail campaigns and on the pages of your site.

To obtain effective results, marketing actions carried out with Hubspot must be followed by a relevant and effective commercial strategy.

Web marketing: 2021 trends

In addition to these tools which will allow you to be more efficient in your daily activity, it is also essential to pay particular attention to new trends such as influencer marketing, augmented reality, the collection and processing of data from social networks, research and publication of authentic content as well as webinars.

Influencer marketing

55% of Instagram users claim to have made a purchase following a publication by an influencer. That's almost 600 million people following the trends of a few people. Many companies are increasingly using influencer marketing, either to strengthen their online reputation or to develop sales of a product or service. The choice of the influencer's profile must be made not only in accordance with the values and principles of the company but also with the defined objectives.

Virtual reality

There is nothing more engaging for a consumer than feeling immersed in the world of a brand. It’s an emerging trend that will continue to grow over the years. With virtual reality content, consumers can directly, from their sofa or desk, immerse themselves in the interior of their new car and even try it out or even explore the locations of their next vacation. It's an engaging trend but one that can have two sides.

Collection and processing of data from social networks

Targeting potential customers well requires knowing them better (demographics, habits, etc.). Data from social networks represents an invaluable boon for marketing, sales and innovation. The trend is towards the use of SCRM (Social CRM), a tool merging the management of flows from social networks with traditional CRM.


Inexpensive, this web marketing trend is growing more and more. This is/is a great way to collect information via registration forms in order to generate leads and qualify them.

Publishing authentic content

Internet users and consumers are increasingly selective in the choice of professional accounts they follow on social networks as well as in the advertisements likely to “make them click”. But who wants to watch images or videos similar to each ad?

To differentiate itself, a company operating in digital marketing must seek uniqueness and authenticity in the content published in order to retain its audience. It is this differentiation that will probably prevent your publications from being drowned out by the algorithms of the different platforms and achieve a good engagement rate (the average engagement rate of a post on Instagram is 0.85 % and 0.11 % on Facebook).

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Marketing, digital strategy

An expert in digital strategy, he trained as an engineer and also holds an MBA […]

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