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Process Com® to communicate better at work

Published on November 18, 2021
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Adopting communication adapted to your interlocutor and reacting appropriately: this is one of the objectives of Process Com®. In times of uncertainty and rapid change, good interpersonal communication helps maintain positive relationships at work. And therefore to motivation, support for change or even employee results. Update with Charlotte Michelin, certified Process Communication Model® coach.

Process Com at the service of communication in the company: develop your skills with ORSYS training.

After the successive confinements caused by the health crisis, the professional world is experiencing a period of uncertainty. New methods of organizing work have been implemented without being set in stone. The idea is flexibility: being able to readjust the organization of work to possible new constraints dictated by the pandemic. For now, hybrid mode seems to prevail: half-teleworking, half-face-to-face.

If the new organizational methods suit some, for others they can be a significant source of stress and professional tension. In this uncertain context, a interpersonal communication effective can pacify relationships. The Process Com®, also known as the Process Communication Model®, is a tool particularly suited to communication within an organization. In the company, communicating better contributes to the progress of missions, motivation, support for change and even employee results.

The Process Com® distinguishes six types of personality that every person has to a greater or lesser extent: analyzer, perseverant, imaginer, empathic, promoter, energizer. Each personality type corresponds to specific codes, language and references.

The six personality types in Process Com® 

The 6 personalities of Process Com - training - personal development - management - ORSYS

Process Com®, what for?  

Why is it useful to understand not only your own personality but also that of others? In the professional world, this knowledge of oneself and others allows one to adopt communication adapted to one's interlocutor and to react appropriately to their requests.

However, it is not uncommon for communication between a transmitter and a receiver to encounter interference. Everyone then emits their own entry signals into stress and then into total miscommunication due to their personality type. Experienced in isolation, these moments during which people do not understand each other can remain without consequence (although...). However, their repetition can create tensions, and even conflicts, which lastingly hinder the ability to work together.

The form more important than the substance of the message

Very often, it is more the form than the substance of the message that causes these misunderstandings. What must be kept in mind is that a message is transmitted to 93 % by the non-verbal and the paraverbal (gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, etc.). The words themselves only weigh 7 %. This is why it is essential to master all the signals emitted (both by oneself and by others). And this is why Process Com® is a relevant tool. It leads to an almost intuitive understanding of an interlocutor. And this, in its entirety. That is to say as much the message he expresses as what he believes or feels.

Clearly, Process Com® is interested in “how to say” rather than “what to say”.

Process Com®, how to do it?  

Two steps allow you to understand your personality with the Process Communication Model®:

1/ Know your daily fuel to effectively fill your energy tank

Just like the body, the brain and motivation need to be nourished. And with the right fuel! These are called psychological needs.

Thus, each personality type corresponds to a resource energy. And this is what allows a person to be effective because it is in tune with their motivations.

There is also a “current phase” in everyone. It must be nourished daily by the right resource to ensure psychological well-being.

Here is each resource, associated with each personality type according to the “current phase” in which the person concerned is:

[Process Com®: for each personality, a suitable resource]

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2/ Identify negative behaviors in stressful situations to better avoid them

A need that is not nourished becomes a potential source of stress, opening the door to negative behaviors. These manifest themselves differently depending on the “current phase” in which the person is:

[Process Com®: stress and negative behaviors]

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Process Com®, what next?

Carrying out your Process Communication Model® inventory allows you to identify:

  • their key skills;
  • strong points;
  • his favorite interactions (vocabulary, attitude, etc.);
  • a privileged communication channel;
  • their perception of the environment;
  • psychological needs that impact motivation, decisions, etc.;
  • their observable behaviors in stressful situations.

This is a field of possibilities to explore using Process Com®. How to get the most out of it? Form !

Our expert

Charlotte MICHELIN

Soft skills, personal branding

For Charlotte Michelin, founder of the company POTENCIA in 2017, supporting others in surpassing themselves [...]

associated domain

Interpersonal communication

associated training

Process Com®, initiation

Process Com®, improvement

Process Com®, certification