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Negotiating purchases: best practice

Published on 16 January 2025
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In an unstable environment, purchasing negotiations require buyers to adapt and anticipate risks. But how do you go about it? Alain Wolgensinger, a specialist in international trade, takes a look at best practice.

Negotiating purchases

Pressure from VUCA on purchasing negotiations

VUCA is the name given to an unstable environment:

Some characteristics of an uncertain global environment :

1/ The resurgence of inflation

The explosion in energy prices in particular has had an impact on suppliers' production costs. Some buyers have suffered non-negotiable price rises as a result.

2/ The disruptive effects of the pandemic on transport (cost of sea freight)

3/ Pressure on suppliers' offerings

International competition wants to secure supplies of strategic raw materials. For example: lithium for batteries, uranium for nuclear power, cobalt for electronics, etc.

4/ The sometimes overwhelming concentration of industrial know-how

While the semiconductor sector is dominated by a handful of countries, the nanoconductor sector is outright crushed by Taiwanese company TSMC. It has exclusive rights with Apple for the iPhone, iPad and Mac. And its 530 customers in 2023 are clearly spoilt for choice.

5/ Sovereign decisions by certain States

Decisions designed to protect their economies or their populations: high customs duties, banned imports or exports. With all their consequences.


6/ Unequal distribution of natural resources

This unequal distribution of natural resources between countries is a major source of uncertainty. This can make it very difficult for a buyer to replace a supplier at short notice.

For example:

The Democratic Republic of Congo is considered to be the richest country in the world in terms of resources. Its deposits of raw minerals are estimated at 24,000 billion dollars (copper, cobalt, gold, oil). It is also a major cocoa producer.

To avoid being crushed in purchasing negotiations, buyers must clearly adapt and anticipate risks. In short, they need to be agile! How can you be agile?

The starting point for purchasing negotiations: analysing the competitive situation

La Kraljic matrix (see diagram) is a purchasing portfolio classification tool. It helps buyers to assess the competitive situation and therefore their competitive strength. Its principle: categorise purchases according to their value (= the greater or lesser budget allocated to them) and their complexity (= the greater or lesser difficulty in finding suppliers for these products).

Negotiating purchases - Kraljic matrix - Diagram

What impact does this have on purchasing negotiations?

On the strength of their upstream analysis, buyers will roll out their strategy like a chameleon: their negotiating stance will have to adapting to the balance of power. Not to mention the fact that VUCA could shake up this relationship.

Best practices for implementing your purchasing strategies

1/ Consolidating your technical expertise 

A necessity for all categories except "Simple" purchases.

There's nothing more convincing than a seasoned salesperson who's passionate about his product, knows its unique features and can boast about them better than anyone else... and is motivated by the bonus he hopes to get if he gets the buyer to sign the contract.

The buyer must therefore perfect knowledge of the product and the market to identify opportunities.

2/ Careful communication and interpersonal relations 

Beyond technical mastery, managing interpersonal relations is essential for successful negotiation.

In this way, a a respectful and balanced approach is crucial, particularly when the balance of power is less favourable to the buyer.

This is typically the case for 'Critical' purchases. But that's not all!

The German expression "die Rache des Kleinen" (the revenge of the little ones) reminds us of this: being harsh with a supplier can quickly backfire when the situation is less favourable to you.

So it's essential to (re)discover assertiveness: assert yourself while listening to the person you're talking to.

What's more, in a globalised environment, mastering intercultural communication is another way of avoiding misunderstandings and even pitfalls.

3/ Staying awake

Preparation is one of the keys to successful purchasing negotiations. But under the VUCA effect, the cards can quickly be reshuffled.

Buyers therefore need to keep a constant watch on the market.

4/ Establish a clear roadmap 

Planning the purchasing negotiation is also essential. The buyer must therefore define precise stages with clear objectives and set limits to avoid being trapped by an unfavourable contract. A well-constructed roadmap makes it possible to stay focused on long-term objectives.
Last but not least, it helps to put things into perspective if the buyer's situation is too unfavourable.

In conclusion, even in an uncertain and complex environment, a structured approach to the purchasing function can make all the difference.

Our expert

Alain Wolgensinger

International trade

Specialist in international development, optimization of commercial performance and export coaching, he relies on […]

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