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Brigitte Neveu-Dérotrie, ORSYS expert in digital marketing

Neveu-Dérotrie Brigitte

Digital marketing

She founded Yélen Communication after 15 years of experience in a branding and communications agency, alongside B to B and B to C brands such as Grand Marnier, Jardiland, INA, Legrand.

It helps executives, directors and teams of large companies and SMEs to promote their expertise, their e-reputation and to develop their activity thanks to tailor-made training and support in digital communication and social networks

With her clients, she works to implement a strategy and a targeted action plan adapted to their visibility and development objectives.

For several years, she has been a trainer in digital marketing, community management, influencer marketing, e-reputation and B to B social networks such as LinkedIn.

A graduate of Audencia Alumni, she runs the Audencia Alumni Paris Marketing Club for which she regularly organizes expert meetings and conferences.

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