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érard Anne-Gaël

Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

A chemist by training, Anne-Gaël Érard began her career in industry, in R&D. At the crossroads of different professions (quality, production, safety, sales, marketing, etc.), his functions lead him to realize the importance of the link between relational quality, on the one hand, and cooperation, motivation or even involvement, on the other. . Consultant for more than 20 years, she notes that atypical points of view, sometimes considered as an obstacle to collective work or to the progress of projects, in reality constitute detectors of deviations, factors of reliability, propellers of innovation and vectors of cohesion when they are heard and taken into account. A certified NVC trainer, she combines her views as an ergonomist, mediator and consultant to support people and teams in the development of their managerial, organizational or occupational health projects. She is also the author of Crossing Conflict – Cooperation and NonViolent Communication (Social Chronicle, April 2021, 264 pages).

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