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Bertrand Sandrine
Communication, management, personal development
With a literary background, she began her career in the press, before turning to project management and teaching at university. In 2005, she created a magazine on the behaviour and psychology of horses, a passion that leads her to a better understanding of people. A trainer with ORSYS for the past 15 years, she puts people at the heart of a caring approach to coaching, enabling everyone to maximise their potential. A certified Master Practitioner in Hypnosis and Sophrology, she specialises in management, communication and personal development.
His articles
Management and leadership
18 November 2024
How can you boost your team's creativity and productivity?
Management and leadership
July 18, 2023
Difficult personalities: 5 keys to managing them in meetings
Personal effectiveness
February 24, 2022
Employee or manager stress: how do you deal with the situation?
Personal effectiveness
November 15, 2021