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Our next webinar

duration: 45 mins

Free event

Time management: how about taking back control?

Do you have the feeling that your days are flying by and getting away from you, to the point where you can't do what you had planned? Or are you finding it difficult to juggle your professional and personal commitments?...

Our next 45-minute webinar on time management is for you! You'll learn to adopt a posture that pushes away distractions so that you can focus on what's essential, and produce just as effectively in the office as you do at home.

On the programme:

  • Explore your relationship with time: late or on time?
  • Check your objectives before embarking on a task.
  • To save time, learn to say no.
  • Discover Walt Disney's creative strategy.
  • Prioritise your tasks and create an effective checklist.
  • Manage the unexpected, leave yourself some room for manoeuvre.


Audience: all professionals who want to optimise their time management.

Our webinars in replay

Animated by

Pascale Abekhzer, ORSYS trainer, expert in management, leadership and managerial communication.


Trainer, coach and lecturer

- Expert in relational communication and professional effectiveness
- Leadership, management, communication
- Decision-making support
- Company manager


Event project manager,
ORSYS Formation

After training in commerce and marketing, Inès holds the position of Events Manager within the Communication and Marketing department of ORSYS. She manages both the planning and organization of events, physical or online (trade fairs, webinars, etc.), as well as coordination with external service providers.