Technology is constantly changing the way we do business. That's why the most important skill is the ability to learn. To keep pace with the company's development, it is essential that employees have up-to-date skills, and even acquire new ones. One way of doing this is through training. But the best results are achieved when learners are motivated to learn. So what are the mechanisms that boost learning? Hélène Toye, an expert trainer in communication and personal development, gives us an overview.

It is said that the average lifespan of a skill is around 5 years. Add to this the profusion of digital tools and the democratisation of AI... The rapid pace of technological change and collaborative working means that we need to adopt an attitude of continuous learning to ensure that our skills are always up to date. That's why companies, their managers and their employees need to see training as an ongoing process. For some, it will even mean "learning to learn". This obviously involves training. But it's also a question of motivation.
Learning: above all a question of motivation
Motivation is the essence of the desire to learn.
There are two types of motivation:
Intrinsic motivation
"What is important for me to learn, what I enjoy learning, what I want to learn or what makes sense to me.
Extrinsic motivation
"What I have to do, the obligation to respond to an external request or need: a new mission, a new project, new tools, a change of job, a promotion...".
Intrinsic motivation seems preferable for "learning to learn". The challenge is to enable everyone to find meaning in their learning or to find learning that makes sense to them.
It is this motivation that will then fuel autonomy in the learning process.
The idea is to do things for yourself. This is the problem with "cramming", for example. Do you learn to obtain a diploma or to acquire useful knowledge for the future?
To become a player in your own career development, you need to asking the right questions :
What skills do I need to create the future of my dreams?
What do I need to learn to become the person I want to be?
Admittedly, the process is not always easy to set in motion. It can therefore be useful to speak to a career development advisor or to make a skills assessment.
However, you shouldn't wait until you've found your vocation to develop your ability to learn how to learn. You'll only be better prepared once you've found the path you want to take.
And that's what's at stake for the future: maintaining the ability to learn, so that we can keep ahead of future technical, societal and behavioural developments.
Once this skill has been developed, it becomes possible to learn everything.
Learning: a question of method
Developing your ability to learn can be based on two aspects: techniques and posture.
There is no one right way to learn. Everyone develops their own method of learning gradually, depending on who they are.
So it's important to listen to yourself and your preferences when learning.
In addition, to define your learning method, it is essential to identify the learning channels that have proved effective in the past: auditory, visual, kinaesthetic.
It is on the basis of this self-knowledge that you can then adapt your learning method.
[Training] Getting to know yourself better to develop your potential
Acquiring a deeper understanding of yourself can help you make better progress in your professional life.
4 key points:
- gain a better understanding of the way they work and the obstacles they face
- develop interpersonal skills and ease in dealing with others
- increase your emotional intelligence and manage stress more effectively
- boost your efficiency by connecting your sensations and creativity
Example of a practical exercise:
Physical and emotional anchoring using theatrical/body exercises with group members.
Elsa, Events receptionist
"During my training, I discovered that I have a kinaesthetic intelligence. I realised that my need to move and experiment was at the heart of my learning. It was a real revelation. I finally understood how difficult it was for me to concentrate, especially when I was at school. Today, I adapt my methods to the way I work. It has transformed the way I learn and boosted my self-confidence.
The learning method
First and foremost, it is important to be able to concentrate.
What can help?
- a healthy lifestyle (sleep, diet, sport, etc.)
- a calm and comfortable environment
- regular exercises (mandalas, meditation, etc.)
[Also read]
[Practical information]
Numerous tools and methods are now available to help you to learn more effectively.
For example:
- Build a learning plan by setting the right objectives: neither too high nor too low
- Participate in peer exchange communities
- Take part in face-to-face or online training courses
- Training with serious games
- Do memory exercises...
[Training] Training and developing your memory
On the programme:
Through fun exercises, discover and experiment with different memory strategies.
Adeline, Customer Relations Officer
"I took part in the Training and developing your memory and I'm delighted with the results! I've learnt practical techniques to improve not only my memorisation, but also my attention and concentration. The strategies for memorising and the visualisation techniques have transformed the way I learn, while strengthening my ability to stay focused. This course has reassured me of my abilities.
Note: the more important the learning process, the greater the resource requirements. The ideal solution is to call on an expert or a referent to define the fundamentals of the learning process you are planning.
The best method is the one that allows you to learn while having fun, so be bold enough to explore all the methods you can!
[Also read] Training: the revenge of classroom-based educational games
Educational games arouse emotions and cooperation, which are assets for facilitating learning during training courses. In particular, they make it easier for participants to get involved in the learning process and encourage memorisation. Other determining factors are conviviality and pleasure. As well as learning, participants leave the course happy to have had a good time with their colleagues!
The learning posture
Learning to learn is not always a question of tools or methodology. It also depends on the learning posture. That's because, developing behavioural skills is just as fundamental to acquire new skills.
Especially :
Being humble
Knowing how to question oneself or recognise one's mistakes means giving oneself the opportunity to learn from them, as well as from others. It means realising that the need to learn is constant and, above all, essential if we are to evolve.
Being proactive
This means investing in your learning by sticking to your programme, defining the tools and methods that suit you best and practising as much as possible.
Being open
In other words, reaching out to your peers, seeking to share and pass on.
[Training] Be a player in your own professional and personal development
A course for anyone who wants to get to know themselves better and develop their professional skills.
On the programme:
Identify your needs and motivations, analyse your successes and mistakes, develop assertiveness and a proactive attitude, design your own individualised action plan.
Théo, web developer
"During the training course, I took the time to identify my needs. This helped me to better understand my motivations. It also gave me the impetus I needed to broaden my skills. So I decided to sign up for the Creating an application incorporating an artificial intelligence service. I have progressed within my company and obtained a more fulfilling position, aligned with my personal and professional aspirations. This success has boosted my self-confidence and inspired my colleagues too.
The ever-increasing pace at which technology is advancing proves every day that we need to adapt and learn. To be as well prepared as possible for future developments, it is essential for each employee to adopt a learning posture and for training managers to guide each individual towards this capacity to learn.