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Which AI should you choose for your work? Take the test!

Published on July 18, 2024
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Since the success of ChatGPT, generative artificial intelligence is shaking up everything in its path: marketing, IT, HR, finance, and much more.

Yes, but which AI is best suited to your professional needs? Do you have the right tools?

To find out, discover the most relevant AI in a fun way with this quiz!

AI Quiz - Illustration

Which AI should you choose for your work?

1 / 16

Are you currently using AI in your business?


2 / 16

How long have you been using AI at work?

3 / 16

How often do you use AI tools in your work?

4 / 16

What tools do you use or want to use?

Many possible responses


5 / 16

Does AI save you time in your work?

6 / 16

What are your needs ?

Many possible responses  


7 / 16

 What are the main benefits you expect from using AI in your business?

Choose the 3 most important according to you


8 / 16

In your opinion, what are the biggest risks in the use of AI?

9 / 16

Do you think you are sufficiently prepared for the use of AI in your work?

10 / 16

Have you been trained in using AI


11 / 16

Are you considering AI-specific training?


12 / 16

What are the biggest barriers to AI adoption in your business?

Many possible responses


13 / 16

What is the size of your company ?

14 / 16

What is your main professional field?

15 / 16

In which sector does your company mainly operate?

16 / 16

What is your hierarchical level in the company?

Knowing your needs better allows you to determine in just a few clicks which artificial intelligence tools are right for you. None are perfect, but at the end of this AI quiz we will guide you towards those who best match your profile.

3 profiles and more than 120 AI tools await you after this test!

To find out more

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associated domain

Artificial intelligence, big data

associated training

Artificial intelligence in business, state of the art

Master generative AI: ChatGPT, Bard, DALL-E…

Generative Artificial Intelligence, from ChatGPT to MultiGPT