Phishing 🔴 Attack

Phishing is a fraudulent technique that consists of usurping the identity of a trusted person or organisation (bank, administration, online service, etc.) in order to obtain sensitive personal information (login details, bank card numbers, etc.).

ISO 27001 🟦 Standard

L’ISO 27001 est une norme internationale qui fournit un cadre méthodologique pour mettre en place, maintenir et améliorer continuellement un système de management de la sécurité de l’information (SMSI) afin de garantir la confidentialité, l’intégrité et la disponibilité des informations d’une organisation.

ISO 27005 🟦 Standard

ISO 27005 is an international standard that provides guidelines for managing information security risks.

ISO 31000 🟦 Standard

ISO 31000 provides principles and guidelines for risk management in organisations. It proposes a structured approach for identifying, analysing, treating and monitoring risks.

Keylogger (keylogger) 🔴 Attack

A keylogger is a software or hardware device used by cybercriminals to record keystrokes made on a keyboard (computer, telephone, etc.). It is often used to steal passwords, credit card numbers, bank details and other sensitive data.