Conversational agent

A conversational agent is a generic term for any system capable of interacting with a user using natural language (text or voice). It therefore includes chatbots, virtual assistants, personal assistants, etc.

AI Agent

An AI agent is autonomous software capable of perceiving its environment - via sensors or interfaces (text, images, data) - processing this information, making decisions based on predefined objectives and acting to achieve them.

Autonomy is a key point: the agent operates without constant direct human intervention once it has been launched.

In other words, it is a programme that, once set with a mission or objective, can choose by itself the most appropriate actions to achieve it, often using automatic learning and natural language processing techniques.

AI Act (regulation on AI)

The AI Act (Artificial Intelligence Act) is a European regulation adopted on 21 May 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the EU on 12 July 2024, designed to provide a framework for the development and use of artificial intelligence in the European Union. This text establishes harmonised rules for the marketing, commissioning and use of AI systems in the EU.

AI Ambassador

An AI ambassador is a person who plays a key role in promoting, adopting and educating about artificial intelligence (AI) within an organisation, community or technology ecosystem.

It acts as a mediator between AI experts and end users, facilitating the understanding, acceptance and integration of AI in different fields.

Machine learning

Machine learning (ML) is a sub-field of AI in which machines learn from data without being explicitly programmed.