ACL (Access Control List)

A set of rules defining the operations (read, write, execute, etc.) that a user can perform on a resource (usually a file, but also a network address or port). The requester in question can be either a user or a...

Active Directory (AD)

It is a directory that stores all the authentication and authorisation information for users and resources on a computer network. Created by Microsoft, it enables administrators to centralise data to manage the system...

ANSSI (French National Agency for Information Systems Security)

The ANSSI is a department with national competence attached to the General Secretary for National Defence and Securitý (SGDSN). It was created by decree in July 2009 to replace the Direction centrale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information. Its remit includes...

APT (Advanced Persistent Threat)

Sophisticated and prolonged cyberattack aimed at specific targets. APTs are carried out by highly skilled actors, often nation states or organised criminal groups. The aim of these attacks is to compromise computer systems on the Internet.


Phishing is a fraudulent technique that consists of usurping the identity of a trusted person or organisation (bank, administration, online service, etc.) in order to obtain sensitive personal information...