Governance 🟩 Tool

In cyber security, governance is the set of processes, policies and structures designed to align IT security with organisational objectives, in order to protect systems and data while ensuring regulatory compliance.

GPO (Group Policy Object) 🟩 Tool

In a Microsoft Windows environment, a Group Policy Object (GPO) is a set of rules and settings applicable to users or computers within a network. It enables system administrators to control and standardise configurations, security policies and system behaviour via Active Directory.

Cybercrime group 🔴 Threat

Cybercriminals often organise themselves into specialised groups that carry out targeted attacks for the purposes of extortion, espionage or sabotage. Here is a list of the best-known groups, with their specialities and notable attacks.

Ethical hacker 🟩 Profession

An ethical hacker is a computer security expert who uses his or her skills in a legal and authorised manner to test and improve the security of computer systems.
This is often called a pentester.

Phishing 🔴 Attack

Phishing is a fraudulent technique that consists of usurping the identity of a trusted person or organisation (bank, administration, online service, etc.) in order to obtain sensitive personal information (login details, bank card numbers, etc.).