Home > Cybersecurity glossary > Spyware πŸ”΄ Attack

Spyware πŸ”΄ Attack

Spywareis a type of malicious software which installs itself on a device without the user's knowledge to collect personal information and transmit it to a third party.

Spyware can steal sensitive data such as passwords, banking information and private conversations. Spyware is one of the most widespread threats on the Internet, affecting both computers and mobile devices. Spyware is designed to operate discreetly in the background, making it difficult to detect and remove without specialised tools.


  • CATEGORY : πŸ”΄ Malicious software (malware)
  • FREQUENCY : 🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • DANGEROUS : πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Google - Noto Color Emoji 15.0 (Animated) How it works

Spyware generally infiltrates via :

  • free software downloads
  • malicious e-mail attachments (phishing)
  • compromised websites
  • malicious mobile applications

πŸ’₯ Consequences of spyware

Once installed, they can :

  • Record keystrokes
  • Capture navigation data
  • Accessing files and messages
  • Activate the camera or microphone

πŸ‘‰ Common examples

  • Keyloggers: record all your keystrokes
  • Trojan horses banking: modify banking web pages
  • Information thieves: scan the device to retrieve personal data

πŸ’‰ Protection and remedies

  • Installing a reputable antivirus and antispyware software
  • Regular software and operating system updates
  • Avoid clicking on links or downloading suspicious files
  • Use strong passwords and thetwo-factor authentication
  • In the event of persistent infection, reset the device to the parameters factory

πŸ“Š Spyware figures and statistics

  • Le data thefta frequent consequence of spyware, affected 30 % of companies that were victims of cyber attacks.
  • 8 % of companies have been victims of cyber espionagean activity often linked to the use of spyware.
  • 55 % of companies consider themselves very exposed to the risks of cyber espionage
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