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ISMS (Information Security Management System) 🟩

The ISMS, or Information Security Management System, is a structured framework of policies, processes, tools and strategies designed to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data within an organisation.

In accordance with the ISO 27001the WSIS offers a systematic approach to preventing cyber threats and mitigate the risks associated with information security.


🎯 WSIS Mission


The main objectives of the WSIS include :

  • Risk identification and assessment Analysing potential and existing threats to information security.
  • Design and implementation of protection measures Developing and applying appropriate controls to protect sensitive information.
  • Monitoring and continuous improvement Establish control mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of safety measures and promote continuous improvement.


🔑 Composition of WSIS

An effective ISMS comprises several key elements:

  • Security policies Directives defining the rules for information security management.
  • Process These include asset management, communications and operations security, and business continuity.
  • Tools technical solutions such as encryption and anti-virus software.
  • Strategies Organisational approaches encompassing human resources management and supplier relations.


👉 Examples

  1. Managing access rights Define roles and responsibilities according to each employee's profile.
  2. Physical protection Securing IT equipment against threats such as theft or natural disasters.
  3. Cryptography strengthening the protection of sensitive data using encryption techniques.
  4. Business continuity The aim is to: put in place processes to ensure the continuation or resumption of activities in the event of an incident.


📊 Key figures for France and worldwide


The adoption of ISMS and ISO 27001 has grown significantly:

  • Worldwide Increase of 19 % in ISO 27001 certifications between 2020 and 2021.
  • Some 48,981 organisations around the world will have obtained ISO 27001 certification by 2023.
  • In addition, ISO 27001 has seen a 24.7 % increase in the number of certificates issued over the last two years, reflecting the growing importance of UKAS-accredited certification.
  • In France 44 % increase in ISO 27001 certifications over the same period.
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