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Cyber security awareness 🟩 Protection

Raising awareness of cyber security involves training and informing all those involved - employees, managers, service providers and users - about IT risks (phishing, ransomware, social engineeringetc.), in order to adopt secure behaviours and establish a culture of vigilance within the organisation.


🎯 Cybersecurity awareness objectives

  1. Information on existing threats: virusransomware, phishing, social engineering attacks, etc.
  2. Train users to adopt secure behaviours (strong passwords, regular updates, data protection, etc.).
  3. Reducing risks from cyber attacks by increasing vigilance among employees and the general public.
  4. Improving resilience IT systems against cyber attacks.


👉 Examples of awareness-raising initiatives

  • In-company information and training campaigns.
  • Exercises and simulated attacks (e.g. phishing tests).
  • Implementation of cybersecurity policies and IT charters.
  • Workshops and webinars on digital security.
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