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Active Directory (AD)

Active Directory (AD) is a directory service developed by Microsoft for Windows Server operating systems. It is a hierarchical, distributed database that stores information about network objects such as users, computers, groups and resources.

Active Directory: Integration plugin - Edunao

Google - Noto Color Emoji 15.0 (Animated) How it works

  • Centralised management AD allows administrators to centrally manage identities, access rights and configurations for an entire organisation..
  • Authentication and authorisation it provides authentication and authorisation mechanisms enabling users to access the appropriate resources on the basis of their identities and rights.
  • Group policies Administrators can define and manage parameters configuration for users and computers across the organisation, including security policies and network parameters.
  • Replication AD uses replication mechanisms to ensure data consistency across domain controllers..

Structure and components

Active Directory is organised into several levels:


  1. Objects represent network resources (users, computers, groups, etc.)
  2. Domains Objects are grouped together and form the basic unit of the AD structure.
  3. Trees set of domains sharing a contiguous namespace.
  4. Forests grouping of trees sharing common information.


  • Simplified management centralisation of data and configurations.
  • Enhanced security : precise control of access and authorisations.
  • Scalability ability to adapt to the growth of the organisation
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