Home > AI Glossary > Agentic AI

Agentic AI

A Agentic AI refers to a form of artificial intelligence capable of operating autonomously as aautonomous agentIt makes decisions, carries out actions and interacts with its environment without constant human intervention.

It differs from traditional AI systems in its ability to perceive, reason, plan and act proactively to achieve specific goals. They are designed to interact with their environment, learn from experience and adapt their behaviour accordingly.


The difference between agentic AI and autonomous agents

Agentic AI is the ability of an AI to act on its own. The autonomous agent is a very independent type of agentic AI. In short, agentic AI is the ability to act, while an autonomous agent is one that acts without help.



📌 Characteristics of agentic AI


Autonomy operates independently, without continuous human supervision
Goal-oriented behaviour sets and pursues predefined or evolving objectives depending on its environment
Adaptability It learns from its experiences and adjusts its actions according to contextual changes.
Interoperability integrates various data sources and tools to improve decision-making.


Google - Noto Color Emoji 15.0 (Animated) How it works


Agentic AI follows an iterative cycle:

1. Perception : collects information about its environment via sensors or data
2. Reasoning Evaluate options and develop strategies adapted to the context
3. Action : carries out the tasks required to achieve its objectives
4. Apprenticeship analysing results and improving performance over time


👉 Examples of applications


Autonomous vehicles recalculating their routes in real time according to road conditions
Virtual assistants able to anticipate user needs and interact proactively
Workflow automation in companies