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RGPD and artificial intelligence: what impact on the marketing function?

Published on May 15, 2024
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GDPR white paper, AI and the marketing function

Having become essential, the GDPR has an obvious impact on many functions, in particular technical professions and legal professions. However, there are other professions whose function is based on data collection, such as marketing.

Faced with this legal revolution, marketing professionals have been forced to rethink their approaches. GDPR indeed represents a radical change in the way businesses interact with their customers' personal data. AI plays a key role in managing this data.

Whether you are an experienced marketer looking to optimize your practices or you are familiarizing yourself with GDPR, our white paper written with our expert Marie-Hélène Gostiaux explains to you how this regulation impacts the marketing function, details the opportunities and adjustments needed to stay compliant with data processing, while continuing to innovate.

In summary

  • Definition and contextualization
  • Put into practice
  • GDPR and marketing function
  • The marketing function, artificial intelligence and the RGPD: what progress has been made?


To find out more

In short

Free practical guide

28 pages

Expert : Marie-Hélène Gostiaux

3 extracts


Definition of RGPD | Page 5

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data or "general regulation on the data protection” (known as “GDPR”) is a European text governing the protection of personal data, which entered into force on May 25, 2018.

Definition of AI | Page 23

Artificial intelligence is defined by the CNIL as a “logical and automated process generally based on an algorithm and capable of carrying out well-defined tasks. »

Definition of artificial intelligence
Best practices for using an Artificial Intelligence system

Using an AI system | Page 25

In October 2023, the CNIL confirmed the compatibility of the development of AI systems with privacy protection issues, subject to not crossing certain red lines and respecting certain conditions. In this sense, it has published practical sheets making it possible to assess the level of risks caused by an AI system, if it contains all or part of personal data.

To find out more


Article Google Tag Manager


Data privacy article

Our expert

Marie-Hélène GOSTIAUX

Business law, digital law

Lawyer specializing in digital law, holder of an LLM in international business law and an MBA in Luxury Brand Marketing […]