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Getting on well in the public sector

Published on 13 February 2025
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Joining the public sector is much more than just a change of job: it's a real change of professional culture. You'll have to put aside your private sector habits and immerse yourself in a world marked by its own practices and values. Relationships with users, hierarchies, decision-making processes, the logic of competitive examinations... All this may seem confusing at first. So what are the best ways of getting to grips with this unique environment and developing successfully?

Illustration of the ORSYS article "Getting on well in the public sector".

Are you thinking of working in the public sector? Or are you about to take up a post in the public sector? Integrating well is essential to laying the foundations for a rewarding and meaningful public sector career. The public sector is founded on the values of community service and collaboration. But successful integration isn't just about personal adaptation: it also contributes to the effectiveness of the whole organisation. By adopting a proactive approach and mobilising the resources at your disposal, you'll find your place quickly and effectively. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Understand the operation and organisation specific to the entity within the public sector

Discovering the public sector starts by immersing yourself in its organisation. Each public entity, whether a local authority, a ministry or a public institution, has its own rules, processes and objectives. To integrate quickly :

  • Find out all you can about the internal organisation: this will help you understand the hierarchy, the different departments and how they interact with each other.
  • Explore other services: in other words, meet them. Not only does this give you a better understanding of the overall ecosystem, it also creates useful links.

Develop the skills you need to adapt quickly to the specificities of the public sector

Training courses can help.

Adopting a listening and open-minded attitude

Successful integration also depends on effective communication and constructive exchanges.

By developing aactive listening and openness, you :

  • access the key information circulating on a daily basis
  • understand your colleagues' needs and issues, which will make it easier to work together

Other tools may also be useful. For example: the Non-Violent Communication (CNV) or neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

The importance of non-verbal communication

Generally speaking, you need to strengthen your skills at all three levels of communication:

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

Training to acquire a foundation of fundamental knowledge about the public sector

Request targeted training!

A request for targeted training on these topics can therefore be a real springboard for adapting quickly and effectively. These foundations will help you to better understand the issues and make relevant contributions.

Clarify the tasks and objectives of the position

Successful integration also requires a clear understanding of the expectations of your position.

Rather than waiting for instructions, take the initiative and clarify your tasks with your superiors. Ask specific questions about priority objectives and success indicators.

To make the most of this approach, strengthen your assertiveness. It's an essential skill for expressing your needs and ideas clearly and respectfully.

Joining the public sector is a process that takes time, energy and a structured approach. By following these steps - understanding the organisation, communicating effectively, training in the basics, and clarifying your missions - you'll be ready to take on the challenges of the public sector and contribute fully to its missions.

Our expert

Lydia Laga

ORSYS Editorial Board

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