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Impacts of digital in professional training – OpinionWay 2023 study

Published on February 26, 2024
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The winning strategy: people

Through this white paper, summary of the study report* OpinionWay for ORSYS Training, discover, with supporting figures, the motivations, the obstacles, the popular formats and the best factors for the success of a training project.

*All figures in this white paper come from the OpinionWay study for ORSYS Training, “ Professional training: continuing the digital transition by placing human support at the heart of strategies ».

Study conducted in November 2022 on a sample of 2,004 employees and 301 decision-makers questioned about their perception of training.

In summary

  • The training market: state of play
  • Professional training deciphered
  • What format and what commitment?
  • The winning strategy, the human

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In short

16 pages

Author: the ORSYS editorial team with OpinionWay

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