The various confinements have highlighted the importance of having a digital shop window to maintain a link with customers or continue sales. But how can you implement this type of project without a budget or development skills?

Since the health crisis, companies selling products and services have realised just how important digital technology is to their business. Their very survival depends on it. And while the big names (with more markets and more resources) already have websites, to what extent is it more important than before for an SME, a very small business or a self-employed person to have a website? Have the challenges become greater? Are they different? Have new development opportunities arisen for small businesses looking to adapt? Stéphane Bataillard, web design expert, gives us some answers.
Paradigm shift
In the spring of 2020, a large number of small businesses found themselves having to create their website as a matter of urgency. Until now, they have been rather reluctant to do so, for lack of time, training or budgetary reasons. Circumstances have forced them to take the plunge. The aim was to maintain a minimum level of activity, depending on the sector.
New uses, new opportunities
Circumstances have revolutionised buying behaviour and the use of communications media. The explosion in e-commerce and teleworking is proof of this. Working remotely is now commonplace. In the same way, a commercial offer, whatever it may be, must be able to be consulted online.
New challenges
This revolution has given rise to new needs: greater mastery of web design techniques, autonomy, security and visibility. More than ever, these are the crucial factors in the success of a web project. Satisfying these needs means that the manager of a VSE/SME or self-employed person can devote themselves to developing their business with peace of mind, and can cope better with crisis situations such as the one we have experienced.
Technique at your fingertips
For non-specialists, a website project often means coming up against a number of preconceived ideas. All the technical aspects involved seem inaccessible to neophytes, and that's exactly what needs to change. Now that the importance of a digital presence has been demonstrated, it's time to understand what we're talking about and dare to take the plunge.
Open source to the rescue
Before the crisis, a presumed substantial financial investment, apparent technical complexity, fear of change... could all be false good reasons for VSEs/SMEs and the self-employed to put off creating their website. But the technologies already existed and were effective. Easy to implement, open source and for the most part inexpensive or free, they proved to be a salutary recourse.
CMS and social networks
The main CMS on the market (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, PrestaShop, etc.), as well as SAS tools (Shopify, Wix, etc.), demonstrated their maturity at this event. Combined with the impact of social networking, they have also shown that they are assets for development. Each of these solutions offers advantages depending on its area of use (e-commerce, blog, etc.).
Professional requirement
Creating a website has long been within everyone's reach. Even for those who are not web professionals. But you still need to understand the world of the Internet and websites. So, as well as acquiring a minimum of technical knowledge to be able to use the tools, it's important to bear in mind that creating your own website is not an end in itself, but the start of an adventure that can transform the business model of any company, however small..
Do you need to be an IT specialist to create your own website?
You don't need to be a computer scientist to create a website. But you do need to acquire a minimum level of knowledge. Understanding how a strategic business tool works is crucial. It reassures managers and helps them make the right choices.
What you need to know to create your website
It's about knowing how to store data on a server (understanding hosting formulas), knowing how to navigate a back office... but that's not all.
Knowing how to identify the role played by each language or technology, being able to understand the role played by the site in an overall communication strategy and integrating security issues are the key elements. They will help you to understand how to integrate this new digital showcase into the heart of your communication strategy.
What is decisive...
The head of a small business or a self-employed person needs to be able to make the right choice in order to properly size his system according to the capacities and needs of his company. Should they choose a service provider to build their site? If so, according to what criteria (budget, agency or freelance, specifications, project planning, monitoring, etc.)?
Should they train and create their own site? If he can, should he hire someone to take care of it? How will the site gain visibility?
It is important to remember thata site requires different skills. Choosing a development model means being aware that behind this future site lie needs in web development, SEO, web copywriting, graphic design, community management (for cross-channel strategies), etc.
An accelerated digital transition
During the health crisis, these questions were crucial for business leaders. They had to find solutions to adapt to the new context. Whereas in the past it had been possible in some cases to avoid these issues with a good customer network, the isolation in which some small structures suddenly found themselves confronted them.
Training and support
Training and support was the answer to these questions. Training allows you to realise the implications for a small organisation of setting up a digital system. Which is the crux of the problem. Above all, adapting has meant accepting to take a step back in order to calmly envisage a rethink of its business model.. And projecting it, often against preconceived ideas (it's too complicated, too expensive, it takes too much time...), into another dimension.
Taking a healthy step back
In this respect, the various periods of confinement have been salutary. They allowed the heads of VSEs/SMEs and the self-employed to take the time they needed to take a step back. It was also the perfect opportunity to take the time to learn, understand and assimilate. Something that few had previously considered or been able to do. And to open up new horizons.
For those organisations that have dared to tackle these problems by reacting at the right time (i.e. at the start of the crisis), this has been a major success. digital transformation has been vital. It has not only enabled them to overcome an unprecedented crisis, but also to prepare for the future. More and more VSEs and SMEs are digitally equipped and have implemented projects that are crucial to their survival.
Some figures, according to France num 2021 barometer
- 66 % of the companies surveyed have a website presenting their business, excluding social networks. This compares with 37 % before the crisis, an increase of 29 points.
- 43 % have a platform for exchanging documents online between employees. This compares with 17 % before the pandemic, an increase of 26 points.
- 29 % use paid referencing on the Internet. This compares with 15 % before the COVID-19 crisis, a significant increase of 14 points.
- 33 % use professional collaboration tools. This compares with 21 % before the epidemic, an increase of 12 points.
- 20 % have their own online sales website, compared to 9 % before the crisis, an increase of +11 points.
These figures clearly show that embarking on a digital project is within everyone's reach, and above all a promising initiative for businesses of all sizes. Whatever your size, your ambition and your skills, a website is feasible provided you make the right investment (time, preparation, budget).