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Community management, a necessary professionalization

Published on February 26, 2024
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Did you think you knew everything about the importance of social networks in your daily professional life?

This white paper written with our expert Frédéric Foschiani, will allow you to adopt best practices in order to build strong and engaged communities.

Whether you are a professional in the field or simply a daily user of social networks, now is the time to discover the essentials to succeed in the field.

In summary

  • Reminder of the fundamentals of community management
  • Professionalization of community management
  • Manage your community


To find out more

In short

Free white paper

17 pages

Expert : Frédéric Foschiani

3 extracts

Typology of social networks

The different types of social networks and collaborative platforms | Page 5

The world of social networks is more and more varied. It will therefore not be a question of trying to establish a presence everywhere, but rather of identifying the relevant platforms in relation to the objectives and the audience that we wish to reach.

The role of the community manager | Page 7

Community management no longer consists only of publishing content on the company's social networks. Its missions have expanded and its function has become more responsible.

Objectives of community management
Animate your community

Four types of actions to build community loyalty | Page 11

To be effective and ensure that people are invested in a community, it will be necessary to offer content, information and types of interaction that are different and complementary to what is broadcast via other channels. This amounts to creating added value for its target audiences.

To find out more


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Our expert


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He began his career at American Express Cartes France as an operations and projects manager then continued as […]