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Climate fresco: raise your employees' awareness and strengthen your CSR approach!

Published on March 28, 2024
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The climate fresco provides the beginning of a concrete solution for companies that want to mobilize and unite their employees around their CSR approach. But, what is it exactly? How to proceed ? What concrete benefits can we expect? The answers from Bérangère Leyritz, responsible digital specialist and host of the climate fresco for ORSYS.

Employees participate in a climate fresco workshop.

At a time when environmental preservation has become a major concern, companies are becoming increasingly aware of the importance ofintegrate sustainable initiatives into their strategy. Particularly through their CSR (corporate social responsibility) approach. But, very often, employees do not have a very clear vision of this ambition. However, a poorly understood policy risks being poorly or poorly applied on the ground.

The climate fresco is one of the tools available to human resources and CSR managers to raise awareness among teams and get them on board with the process. In only 3 hours, this immersive and educational approach allows participants to better understand the issues of climate change. It thus reinforces their environmental commitment and arouses the desire to invest a little more in their company's CSR strategy.

Go behind the scenes of this awareness workshop to understand how it can help you deploy your CSR approach!

What is a climate fresco?

When participating in a climate mural, do not expect to be passive and receive information. No ! The climate fresco is above all a collaborative, creative and scientific workshop. The data comes from the IPCC reports, the intergovernmental panel on climate change.

In 2018, Cédric Ringenbach, speaker and teacher on climate change, designed the fresco with 3 objectives on your mind :

  • discover or rediscover how the climate works
  • raise awareness of the complexity of climate change
  • provide the keys to understanding to act effectively

For this workshop to have a real impact, he chose a playful approach. And it works !

A deck of cards, a team of 4 to 8 players (novices or experts), some office equipment, 3 hours and a facilitator. It doesn't take much to create a climate fresco.

Climate fresco

The facilitator guides the group, facilitates discussions and encourages everyone's participation. The game features 42 cards, divided into 5 lots. Each participant receives 1 or 2 cards depending on the lot. He then reads the front (photos, infographics, etc.) and the back (explanations) of the card in his hand. Then, he places it on the fresco in agreement with all the participants.

Little by little, the fresco takes shape. It graphically represents the components of climate change and the cause-consequence links inherent to it. 

In this stimulating learning environment, a real awareness emerges. And often, the desire to act is felt, whether personally or professionally.

What benefits does the corporate climate fresco bring?

For successfully implement a CSR approach, it is first crucial to rely on a common understanding within the company.

And this is where the climate fresco plays a role key facilitating role.

It will in fact allowact in 5 dimensions :

Become aware of the situation to (re)act!

Each person participates with a different level of knowledge and understanding. This is not a problem. The aim is in fact tomake everyone aware of the impacts and the complexity of climate change.

The idea is not to create ecoanxiety among participants, but rather to create group synergy for collective action.

This approach therefore allows them to:

  • become aware of the issues linked to climate change
  • better understand the information and discourse circulating on the subject
  • make you want to explore certain subjects in more depth
  • encourage personal and professional commitment

The first level of awareness often involves taking into account the possible impacts on personal life. Then, with the last fresco workshop, participants reflect on the impacts on the professional sphere. An interesting exercise which then leads them to develop ideas for action to improve certain practices in their company, such as: the use of electricity, salespeople's travel, overconsumption of water, food waste, waste sorting, etc.

From the climate fresco to the CSR impact

The climate fresco proves to be a tool ideal for mobilizing and uniting employees around CSR projects. However, on its own, it cannot guarantee the success of your approach. It is a lever among other levers of action. We must therefore continue our efforts!

On the side of the collaborators

The awareness that emerges at the end of a fresco can create commitments for some or fall away like a soufflé for others. To obtain commitment from your employees, you must continue the process, lead it and encourage initiatives.

By investing in the continuity of the approach and encouraging commitment at all levels of the company, the climate fresco can lead to a lasting CSR impact.

On the business side

Generally speaking, it is crucial to complement the awareness offered by the climate fresco with specific measures adapted to your company. To do this, take into account your challenges, your resources and your objectives.

But above all, whatever your level of progress in your CSR approach, it is essential to carry out the carbon diagnosis of your organization. This diagnosis will allow you to assess your company's carbon footprint and define a coherent and pragmatic action plan.

Thanks to the climate fresco, your action plan can be supported by the entire company, your employees having understood the importance of committing to this approach. You will thus be able to obtain concrete and lasting results in your journey towards a more environmentally responsible company.

Our expert

Bérangere Leyritz

Responsible digital, climate fresco

UX content designer and responsible digital specialist, she created her company […]

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The climate mural

Implementing a CSR approach

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