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Citizen data scientist: business expert and data specialist

Published on November 8, 2021
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The citizen data scientist explains data science to his colleagues - Orsys Formation

Faced with an increasing volume of data, companies must recruit specialists capable of analyzing it. However, the current strong demand for data professionals is causing a shortage of this type of profile, particularly data scientists. To deal with this, some companies train their finance, marketing or sales employees... and transform them into citizen data scientists. What is his role ? What skills and training are required to become one?

Having appeared in France less than two years ago, the citizen data scientist is more a role than a profession. The role can be filled by a marketing or finance manager, or even a production manager in the industrial sector, for example. There is a similarity with the role of DPO (data protection officer), responsible for personal data protection, which can be filled by a lawyer. To analyse and exploit the data in a simplified way, the citizen data scientist relies on business intelligence tools such as Power BI, Tableau or Qliksense. The citizen data scientist's remit covers all sectors of business activity.

What are the missions of the citizen data scientist?

The main role of the citizen data scientist is to facilitate the use and understanding of data science by the business. They process the data using simplified business intelligence tools and extract value for their business and their company. They explain the benefits that can be derived from data ("evangelising" role) and position themselves as catalysts for the use of data science. They support operational teams in the paradigm shift around data, identifying needs and helping to develop data projects, with the aim of ensuring that all business operators become experienced users. They can be involved in the entire data-related value chain.

What studies to follow?

The job requires a certain amount of expertise in the business of the team that the citizen data scientist will be joining. For management positions, additional training in data science, via a DU, MBA or project manager training in data or artificial intelligence, is recommended. This position requires a strong background in project management and a cross-functional vision of the team's business.

What skills do you need?

The profile of a citizen data scientist is less specialised than that of a data scientistThis is because it is supported by analysis tools that make it easier to manipulate the data. However, these business professionals need to develop their skills, particularly in statistics and machine learning.

TECHNICAL SKILLS (hard skills / Know-how)

  • Expert in the team's initial business (production unit, management, business strategy, etc.)
  • Mastery of the fundamental principles of data science and knowledge of families of mathematical models
  • Mastery of data strategy and the implementation and management of data chains
  • Mastery of data collection, annotation, analysis and interpretation tools and data models
  • Mastery of database management processes (SQL/NoSQL, Hadoop, Spark)
  • Knowledge of legal and ethical aspects related to data collection and manipulation

BEHAVIOURAL AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS (soft skills / interpersonal skills)

  • Strategic and transversal vision
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Analytical mind
  • Pedagogy and ability to popularize
  • Sectoral curiosity and taste for innovation
  • Good stress management

What is a typical day for a citizen data scientist?

The citizen data scientist lives to the rhythm of the business teams he supports. It intervenes at each stage: from the ideation phase (a process by which everyone can find ideas in response to a problem) and analysis to identify where and how the implementation of a data process can be beneficial, up to 'to analyze the results of the models and implement changes in the functioning of the teams.

He or she takes part in strategic meetings to set up a new data process, helps collect information, analyses models with any data science teams and discusses with business teams how to modify a production line, for example.

What is the salary of a citizen data scientist?

The position of citizen data scientist is only just beginning to be established in France. Salaries are highly dependent on the sector of activity as well as the level and importance of data for the company.

Due to the initial positions of the citizen data scientist, salaries vary from €32,000 gross annually for juniors, up to €100,000 annually for strategic and senior positions.

What are its development prospects?

The role of citizen data scientist opens up perspectives on strategic management positions in the company. He mainly intervenes on points linked to the performance of teams, whether in terms of turnover or to provide visibility on processes, facilitating their management. These profiles can evolve into expert business analysts or management positions (director, regional or sector manager).

Do you know how to speak citizen data scientist?

The five words most used by the citizen data scientist are:

Data : one or a set of information, digital or not, which can be used to extract an understanding of a process (operation of a machine, an assembly line, sales cycle, user feedback on a product, etc.) and which can provide value once analyzed en masse.

Annotation : taking a blank database and identifying key elements necessary for data science models.

Dataset : a collected database associated with a data science problem, and which is often annotated.

Dataviz : the interfaces and processes via which the results of data science analyzes are presented and viewable by all users.

Computer : it is the computing power or the IT infrastructure that hosts the algorithms and data analysis tools.

Any advice for people interested in this profession?

A sister job to the data scientist, the citizen data scientist is located at the junction between strategic management and data teams. It constitutes the link that allows business teams to use data science throughout the value chain. Its role is therefore central in the digital transformation of companies and it will continue to be so for years to come. However, this profession is doomed to disappear. With the widespread and simplification of data analysis applications and services, more and more non-computer scientists can manipulate and interpret data. When everyone is a citizen data scientist, no one will be.

What are the attractions and constraints of this job?

  • Good salary
  • Good prospects for development
  • Varied tasks linked to several teams
  • Need to train regularly on technologies
  • A profession that risks disappearing with the popularization of AI and the mastery of data science
  • Not very common in France at the moment

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