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Active recommendation for greater efficiency

Published on November 24, 2022
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Sellers, the active recommendation system can make you more efficient…and open up a world of opportunities. What is an active recommendation? How to develop your network? Explanations with Loïc Jeunot, trainer and salesman, with field experience.

Active recommendation to develop your network

"Salespeople who enjoy prospecting should raise their hands! The question has the merit of being asked, as Loïc Jeunot can testify, but it does not arouse much enthusiasm. And for good reason: prospecting is frightening. But these days, the search for new customers is no longer an option. "As we hear about the end of the boom, sales people are going to have to 'start' or 'get back' to prospecting, and that's good news for them. With one caveat: "The most effective CRM systems will certainly help them to organise their sales activities, but they won't do the prospecting for them.

And if “some sellers will grind their teeth, others will feel dejected by the economic situation that is coming, let the sellers reassure themselves, before taking back their briefcases, driving miles on the roads, and sometimes seeing the doors open. close. » There is in fact a much more effective alternative, not to be confused with passive recommendation.

From passive recommendation to active recommendation

Passive recommendation
Passive recommendation. © Loïc Jeunot.

There are two types of recommendation, the so-called passive recommendation and the so-called active recommendation. The passive recommendation consists of a “simple request”. This is the distribution of business cards at the very end of a concluded deal, with a satisfied customer. “It seems obvious, a customer satisfied with your services, with whom you have been able to establish a good relationship, is a good ambassador. The reflex therefore consists of asking him to talk about you by providing him with some of your business cards. At this precise moment, your client will be sincere and tell you that he will not miss it. »

But this type of recommendation seems to have limits. “As soon as your client leaves the interview, he will return to his life and his concerns… and forget about you. Using this technique, few salespeople can boast of having more than five deals closed in the year through their passive recommendation requests. »

“However, there is a solution that has immediate results and is simple to implement: active recommendation. »

Define your targets: the work of categorizing customers

Solicit customers or prospects in order to obtain from them the contact details of a person close to them whom we will contact ourselves to provide them with our advice. This is the principle on which active recommendation is based.

“We can bring about the implementation of this recommendation system… We lose nothing by asking! »

As long as you follow a few key steps.

First, the categorization of customers. This involves analyzing your customer portfolio and then qualifying the target, based on four specific categories. The objective: target high-potential customers. In other words, identify customers “who report to us and with whom we have a good relationship”, that is to say those who we can call on to request a recommendation. The method ? Write down ten clients identified as such on a sheet of paper.

“Active recommendation therefore consists of activating and developing your network thanks to our high-potential customers. »

Relationships at the heart of the active recommendation approach

“The method is simple to implement, it makes good sense and requires little effort. » As long as you devote 30 to 40 minutes to it, once a week. Concretely, once the categorization of customers has been carried out, the seller contacts his previously identified customers to request a recommendation. “We use active recommendation on a daily basis, at least 10 minutes per day, or 50 minutes per week at least,” assures a participant trained in the method. The long-term objective: to systematize the approach.

“Active recommendation must become a habit for the seller. »

By identifying the “recommendation moment” or “the reminder day”, that is to say the most judicious day in the week to apply this method. “We choose our slots to be most likely to reach our interlocutors at the right time,” continues the participant. A wording tip: take care of your grip. And in the event of no response, leave a personalized message on the answering machine by “adapting your speech to each situation to give meaning to your words”.

Another channel for developing your network is the sales interview with a customer. The recommendation comes at the end of the sales phase… or at the end of the meeting with the prospect. “You can also ask a prospect for a recommendation. » To do this, you must make a simple request, full of common sense and above all have established good relationships. And also be honest. No need to hide the objective of your request. We will thus prefer to explain the reasons, namely for example the need to expand one's network. But “it does not seem wise to solicit a prospect if you are not sure of the legitimacy of his request.”

"Salespeople who embrace active recommendation 'put the sales relationship' back at the heart of what they do, which is what they love and do best."

Active recommendation, a successful experience

“It’s an effective method, which needs to be worked on, but which hits the mark almost every time, because it allows us to give a context to the start of the conversation, and to give our interlocutor confidence,” assures a sales manager who has implemented the approach within its department.

It is a “non-violent” and effective method. “Salespeople will go from 2 to 3 qualified leads out of 10 to more than 5 out of 10.” Provided that the sales manager supports his salespeople in order to “challenge” them on a daily basis. The latter can establish a performance table which would list the number of weekly telephone calls, as well as the transformation of recommendations into a concluded deal for each seller.

And the results are there. “Today it is an automatism which is proving to be very profitable. The approach is already bearing fruit and will continue. It allows us to grow our network, and to have access to the real decision-makers, to the most reliable information, which gives us a head start on the competition,” explains the sales manager.

Finally, it is essential to keep the customer or prospect who has provided contact details informed. In a word, thank him… before he undoubtedly gives new recommendations of his own accord.

"Solicit your best customers, treat yourself and above all, please your "super customers" they're just waiting for that... to help you."

What you need to remember: active recommendation is a simple solution to put in place. As long as you follow a few essential steps: define your high-potential targets, then act accordingly by contacting the targets identified as such directly or by meeting with the customer/prospect. The long-term aim is to systematise the approach, with the support of the sales manager.

Result: sellers actively develop their network and gain efficiency.

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