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4Colors® method: how to improve your commercial efficiency

Published on December 15, 2022
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Sellers, the 4Colors® method can help you convince your customers and make you more efficient. What does this method consist of? How to argue better and sell your ideas, products and services more easily with your customers? Elements of response with Roseline Sicos, consultant trainer and coach, with field commercial experience.

The 4Colors® method to gain efficiency

“How many times have you made a sale without arguing?” » Probably never! Arguing is one of the multiple skills that a salesperson must master during their sales cycle, whether when presenting the product or service, negotiating or closing the sale.

Faced with better-informed buyers who have less and less time to devote to you, quickly making a difference as a seller becomes decisive. You must quickly create a positive connection, identify your prospect's purchasing behavior in a few minutes and convey the right message through your attitude and your communication style... all associated with an impactful pitch.

The fundamentals of the 4Colors® method

Let us first clarify the fundamentals of the 4Colors® method. This connects different research and concepts from the personal development and neuroscience : NLP (neurolinguistic programming), systemic analysis, cognitive neuroscience, positive psychology, synergology. This method is based on different works.

  • Newton (1665) demonstrates that colors do not exist and that they are only interpretations of our brain
  • Jung (1921) describes 4 functions (sensation, intuition, thought, feeling) combining with 2 attitudes: introversion and extroversion
  • Marston (1928) published a work Emotions for normal people with 4 behavioral patterns to which colors are associated: Dominance/Red, Influence/Yellow, Stability/Green and Compliance/Blue
The 4Colors® method
4Colors® certification.

In 2003, the 4Colors® method was created by a French team of personal development experts, business consultants and IT developers. This method describes the motivations and behaviors of our interlocutors including colors may change from one moment to the next and depending on the situation.

For example, when presenting your offer, your prospect may show "blue" behavior, either distant, suspicious, picky at the start of the interview only to end up in "yellow", or smiling, relaxed and even showing humor, because you have sufficiently reassured him. Therefore, let's avoid putting our prospects into boxes.

The 4Colors® method is a intuitive approach, easy to use to communicate in the best way to the right person and establish a relationship of trust over time.

Let's review the four 4Colors® profiles to understand how to establish this relationship of trust… and sell more effectively.

Argue in color

The 4Colors® method is based on an educational representation in the form of color compass Who allows the salesperson to identify the dominant color of the prospect at a given time to better adapt to it.

Sell in color
4Colors® certification.

North/East of the compass – red symbolized by an arrow

It is the world of action and results in an environment perceived as hostile that must be under control. Action precedes reflection, thus bringing speed and rhythm to the prospect's behavior. Thus, to influence your purchasing decision, your argument must be synthetic, precise, direct and results-oriented. The key words: quickly done, well done!

“You have two solutions to satisfy your request regarding the performance of your team of consultants, either you change the working environment, or you change the collective objectives. This way, you will be sure to achieve your goals by applying the method that I am going to present to you. »

South/east of the compass – yellow symbolized by a sun

This is the world of ideas and concepts in an environment perceived as favourable. This is a prospect who is open, friendly, enthusiastic and motivated by interaction with others. To influence their buying decision, your argument must highlight new products or services as well as testimonials from other customers. The key words: in exchange and good humor!

“Have you ever heard of Method X?” I have prepared for you a summary of this method which facilitates the development of team performance. By discussing this, I am sure that you will see the useful elements for your team of consultants…”

South/west of the compass – green symbolized by a circle

This is the world of relationships, above all in an environment perceived as favourable and sociable. This is a rather reserved and calm prospect. This prospect prefers harmonious and warm relationships based on goodwill and the long term. To influence their buying decision, your argument must provide evidence of the sustainable side of your product or service. The key words: together for life! 

“I thought long and hard about which method would be best suited to your environment and your team of consultants. I have selected for you the X method which has proven itself and which allows you to obtain long-term results. »

To the north/west – blue symbolized by a square

This is the world of numbers and facts in a perceived hostile environment that needs to be controlled through anticipation and risk reduction. They are methodical, analytical, rational and sceptical by nature. So, to influence their buying decision, your argument must be structured, detailed and precise in its formulation. The key words: forewarned is forearmed!

“During our last interview, I noted your question about the methodology that we could offer you to improve the performance of your team of consultants. We have selected the X method which takes place in 5 steps…”

Know your 4Colors® profile

Knowing how to detect the profile of your prospect, using the color compass, is one thing. Know your own profile constitutes an additional advantage. Indeed, if you know where you are on the color compass, you will know determine your strengths and areas for improvement. These correspond to your “opposite style”, in other words to people or situations that make you uncomfortable.

Getting to know yourself better will enable you to correct certain behaviours. You'll also be able to maintain your advantage in sales situations and throughout the sales cycle.

Opposite colorRelationship managementManaging the situation
RedDevelop your assertiveness
Design and present synthetic and impactful arguments
Set goals for yourself and your prospect to milestone
your sales cycle
Develop your closing techniques (conclusion of the act of purchase)
YELLOWTake care of your contact
Develop your comfort in improvisation situations
(for example when an unexpected participant is present at the presentation of your offer)
Master communication techniques to create and maintain a friendly relationship with your prospect
Green Develop your ecouactivate you
Take the time to reassure your prospect
Give your prospect the impression that you are following them throughout your sales cycle with regular visits or calls
and not just for the closing! 
BlueBe rigorous in your preparation, because improvisation does not always work
Make sure you collect and communicate data that is factual and organized in a way that makes sense to your prospect
Use analysis tools such as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats; it is a useful tool in the strategic diagnosis phase), comparative tables and other infographics which will strengthen your professionalism 
Examples of techniques and tools to manage your discomfort zone.

The bottom line: mastering the color compass and knowing your own 4Colors® profile allows you to SO to gain influence and commercial performance. Thanks to the method 4Colors®, the customer is at the center of the sales process…So take your compasses! Note that the 4Colors® method is also used in management.

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Roseline SICOS

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Customer relations have always been the common thread of Roseline Sicos’ professional career. His […]

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