Cyber security glossary cybersecurity terms explained All0-9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0-90-day π΄ Vulnerability2FA (dual authentication) π’ ProtectionAAAA (Authentication, Authorisation, Audit) π’ ProtectionAAD (Azure Active Directory)ACL (Access Control List) π’ ProtectionActive Directory (AD)Air gap π’ ProtectionSafety alert π© Safety informationBehavioural analysis π© Security methodPredictive analysisANSSI π© AuthorityAuthentication application π’ ProtectionAPT (Advanced Persistent Threat) π΄ AttackSupply chain attack π΄ AttackAttacks on AI π΄ AttacksSingle sign-on (SSO) π© ToolNational Cyber Security Authority π© AuthorityBSandbox π’ ProtectionBackdoor π΄ VulnerabilityBlue Team π© Safety teamBot π ToolBotnet π Attack toolBusiness Email Compromise (BEC) π΄ AttackCCERT π© Security teamTrojan horse π΄ AttackEncryption πCISA π© AuthorityCookiesCryptojacking (cryptographic hacking) π΄ AttackCSP (Content Security Policy) π’ ProtectionCSRF π΄ AttackCTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence) π’ ToolCVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) π© RepositoryCVSS π© ToolCyber attack π΄ AttackCybercriminal π₯ ThreatCyber investigator π© Cyber security professionCyber espionage π΄ AttackCyber threat π RiskCybersecurity π’ ProtectionDDDoS (distributed denial of service) π΄ AttackDeepfake π΄ ManipulationSite defacementDenial of service π΄ AttackDevSecOps π© Security practicePersonal dataSensitive dataDPO (Data Protection Officer) π© Business lineDPO (Data Protection Officer) π© Job titleHardening π’ ProtectionEEBIOS π¦ MethodEDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) π’ ProtectionElevation of privileges π΄ AttackData Poisoning π΄ AttackEndpointExploit π΄ ToolFFalse positiveFirewall π’ ProtectionBrute force π΄ AttackForensicsGGovernance π© ToolGPO (Group Policy Object) π© ToolAPT GroupCybercrime group π΄ ThreatHEthical hacker π© ProfessionPhishing π΄ AttackIIAM (Identity and Access Management) π’ ProtectionIDS (Intrusion Detection System) π’ ProtectionSocial engineering π΄ AttackSQL injection π΄ AttackInjection π΄ AttackIoC (indicator of compromise) π© ToolIPSec (Internet Protocol Security) π© ToolISO 27001 π¦ StandardISO 27002 π¦ StandardISO 27005 π¦ StandardISO 31000 π¦ StandardJEvil twin π΄ AttackJWT (JSON Web Token) π’ ProtectionKKeylogger (keylogger) π΄ AttackKill chainKill Switch π’ ProtectionLAccess Control List (ACL) π’ ProtectionMMalware π΄ AttackMan-in-the-middle π΄ AttackInternal threat π Cyber riskMFA (multi-factor authentication) π’ ProtectionMITRE ATT&CK π© ToolFail-safe modeOne-time password π’ ProtectionNNIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) π’ ProtectionNIS 2 π¦ RegulationsNIST Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF)OObfuscation π ToolOCSP π© ToolOSINT (Open Source Intelligence) π© ToolsOTP (One-Time Password) π’ ProtectionOWASP π© Security resourcePPatch π’ ProtectionPayload π΄ Malicious componentPCI DSS π¦ StandardPentest (penetration testing) π’ ToolPentester π’ JobBusiness Continuity Plan (BCP) π© DocumentDisaster Recovery Plan (DRP) π© DocumentPrivacy policyBackup policy π© DocumentSecurity policy π© DocumentPrinciple of least privilege (PoLP) π’ ProtectionPrivilegePSSI (information systems security policy) π© DocumentQQuarantine π’ ProtectionRRansomware π΄ AttackRed Team π© Safety teamRegurgitationRemediation π’ ProtectionResilienceRGPD π© RegulationRootkit π΄ AttackRPO (Recovery Point Objective)CISO (Information Systems Security Manager) π© Job titleRTO (Recovery Time Objective)SSandboxing π’ ProtectionSBOMSecNumCloud π¦ CertificationCyber security awareness π© ProtectionShadow IAShadow ITSIEM π’ ProtectionISMS (Information Security Management System) π©SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response) π’ ProtectionSOC (Security Operations Center) π© StructureSpyware π΄ AttackAttack surface π΄ FaultsTTakedown π’ ProtectionThreat Intelligence π’ ProtectionTLS (Transport Layer Security) π’ ProtectionTTP (Tactics, Techniques and Procedures) π₯ Operating procedureUUDP flood π΄ AttackUEBA π’ ProtectionIdentity theftVAttack vectorVirus π΄ AttackData theft π΄ AttackVPN (virtual private network) π’ ProtectionVulnerability π₯ WeaknessWWAF (Web Application Firewall) π’ ProtectionWar game π© Safety exerciseWeb scraping π ToolsXXSS (Cross-Site Scripting) π΄ AttackYYubikey π’ ProtectionZZero Trust π’ ProtectionZero-day (0-day) π΄ Flaw